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What a universe!


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So there I was, plowing along popping things, getting the Great Hunter award, in spite of my ocular analyzer showing them fierce red. I need to get that thing ajusted. Or maybe I'm just that good.


Anyway, so off I go to Taris to take care of some other Bounty Hunter business. I start tracking this guy who thinks he's so great. Though I don't find him yet, I manage to start taking his stuff anyway. Four wonderful things, though this mosquito kept stinging me each time I grabbed one.



Finally, it looks like I'm going for a showdown with him. However, I've gotta do some more plowing of trash, because there's no other way through. These guys glow a deeper red than anything I've seen before -- they are 5 units tougher than what my analyzer is set to. No biggie, I plow through the +4 guys no problem.


So I attack these lackeys. Nothing happens. They attack me back, but my bombs don't do anything to them. Not almost nothing. Absolutely nothing.


Bomb after bomb after bomb don't even dent them. I am almost killed but for an empire robot that revived me.


Surely it must be my imagination. I attack again, with the same results. Nothing. Bomb, bullet, nothing touches them. One must have had a ***** in his armor because I injured him a little bit, but the others -- nothing.



I'm scared now. I don't know why these +5 rating guys are so astoundingly tough -- they didn't seem to have indestructible armor on.



Maybe I'll just mosey back to the +4 wimps and practice some more.

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