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Not So Heroic


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I posted this in the mission area but I never got a reply/answer so I decided to repost it here:


Is there a reason why I can never find really anyone on a planet to do Heroics after level 30+? It's not the world population, I'm on Ajunta Pall which is frequently full even on weekdays and that reflects even on the individual planet populations.


I feel like I'm pulling teeth sometimes dragging even one person to do a 2+ Heroic. I do belong to a pretty good guild however they're most level 50 so I don't blame them for not wanting to do a 35 Heroic with me.


Are people just not interested in them at all?

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Are people just not interested in them at all?


I have a friend who plays on that server who kept pestering me to roll a character there, so I did. I've played an Imp Agent up to 15 and a Jedi Knight up to 9, and based on what I've seen in the general chat over there during that time, I'd guess most folks there have the general chat turned off.



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I posted this in the mission area but I never got a reply/answer so I decided to repost it here:


Is there a reason why I can never find really anyone on a planet to do Heroics after level 30+? It's not the world population, I'm on Ajunta Pall which is frequently full even on weekdays and that reflects even on the individual planet populations.


I feel like I'm pulling teeth sometimes dragging even one person to do a 2+ Heroic. I do belong to a pretty good guild however they're most level 50 so I don't blame them for not wanting to do a 35 Heroic with me.


Are people just not interested in them at all?


1. Most people don't group outside of PVP/Flashpoints (I also find a huge number of people don't talk, so even if they did want to do it you'll never find out).


2. As people are generally overleveled (due to PVP or Flashpoints or Space combat) they skip all heroic as they don't need the Exp.


3. Some people are leaving them all until they are 50, they doing them all solo.




As a completionist it's a pain as I generally have to spend 1-5 Hours per heroic waiting around trying to get group. I have abandoned numerous characters and servers due to this.


They ether need someway to make these mandatory or just make them solo, because as they are they just don't get used, not enough. And whenever I do eventually get into a heroic 99% of the time, mine is the only group playing it which clearly shows this to me.


And I play 12-5 hour days some days.

Edited by AngelousWang
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I obviously have no numbers to back this up but sometimes I feel like people are rushing to 50, and then complain there's no content when they haven't done anything on the journey there, like heroics.


I'm not saying that they're all fantastic and amazing, but it does promote some social aspects and usually have a more social point options than regular quests.

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