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Turn Your Fan Fiction into audio theater!


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We want your fan-fiction! Well, at least your short stories -and by 'short' I mean 10-15 minutes if read aloud.


I represent the podcast 'Beyond the Grind'. Some of you may be familiar with it. If not - it is a podcast by RPers for RPers (or those curious about RP) focused on The Old Republic. We have a full show that is roughly an hour long a couple times a month as well as a 'lite' version that has a segment on the TOR Syndicate podcast (on which the listener base averages between 25K-45K a show). One of the new segments we've just begun is called 'Beyond the Grind Theater'. We are taking player submitted fan-fiction and giving them soundtracks and sound effects to make them sound like an 'audio book'.. or 'radio theater'. We are currently looking for submissions for this segment.


The only parameters are that it must be 10-15 minutes long if read aloud and we really don't want anything that would receive higher than a 'PG-13' rating - or it may get 'edited' a bit. For an example of our first theater entry - go listen to Episode 23 starting at 39:36.


You can post your submissions here, or links to your submissions... or you can email them to 'baraslan@beyondthegrind.org'. You can record the story yourself if you'd like to and just let us do the post production - or, if you're not interested in your voice being on the podcast, we will record it for you. It's up to you.


I know we have LOTS of awesome writers out there in the SWTOR community and I'm looking forward to seeing all the creative and memorable stories you have!

Edited by Baraslan
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Also, in case there was any confusion - this does not have to be a 'new' story - it can be something you've already written - as long as it takes place int eh proper time frame for the Old Republic as represented in the game.


Second point of clarification: This needs to be a 'story' with a clear beginning, plot conflict resolution, and an ending. Some of the submissions we've gotten fall more into a 'journal entry' kind of format. They are not poorly done, they just don't fit the format we're looking for for the recordings.

Edited by Baraslan
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Also, in case there was any confusion - this does not have to be a 'new' story - it can be something you've already written - as long as it takes place int eh proper time frame for the Old Republic as represented in the game.


I was going to send you a link to some of my other writing, but it doesn't take place during the current era. Good luck with this, though.

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