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Help Improve Combat Medic


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Im liking all these suggestions, especially the Bacta Infusion, though i think they should reduce CD for BI to go in line with Vanguard's CD.


Anyways i kinda have an interesting idea, Sages get their "Rescue" skill, Im thinking of giving Commando Medics a mirror skill but functions quite the opposite. Essentially it is like "Guardian Leap", where we jet pack to a targetted ally, and upon landing, it heals ally and self for a moderate amount. In essence, we get an escape skill, and can also be used as a emergency Heal, but might get us into trouble if since we be throwing ourselves into the heat of the battle. A double edge sword if you will. Has 1.5 min CD with 1 ammo cost. I rather they replace Trauma Probe with this imo.


What do you guys think?

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I'd like to see alacrity affect regen rate, as it is currently a stat we cannot afford to have post 1.2.


The hammer shot suggestion is good (or alternatively just let it self cast). I was also thinking, if the Trauma Probe ammo cost remains, how about a hammer shot adding a charge to Trauma Probe (to a maximum of 10) if there is a Trauma Probe buff on the target. I acknowledge it won't help much in PVP (unless HS can self target) but it would be great for PVE.


I'd like to see SCC returned to its capability to get a lot of people up. I was thinking what about if, when SCC was active, MP refunded one ammo every time it was cast on a character without the AMP HoT. What this would mean is that SCC would return to 1.1 functionality but ONLY if healing was spread over multiple people (thus increasing our group heal functionality through single target healing).


I think what everyone needs to realise is that the mechanics of Trooper healing basically mean that at its base level it has to provide solid sustained single target output. With 12 ammo there isn't really room to play with regen as a limiting mechanic (I think they've gone too far, they certainly can't push it any further). So to add complexity you really only have cooldowns as a way of increasing complexity. That means SCC, the instant heal and the various 2 minute ammo/ability related CDs. Having talents that can decrease these, particularly ones that require active play (a small reduction on a HS crit, or a TP activation for example) are a good way of allowing good players to increase throughput, which in the end will help the devs create good balance points for the three raid difficulty levels,

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