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Attention Ladies and Gents!


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Attention Ladies and Gents!

If you consider that the name of your guild was made according the standards accepted by EA/Bioware and not violating the storyline, you are definitely wrong.

If you killed someone independently of the place is allowed for open PVP and got away happy, beware . The one you killed can consider to revenge you for you had acted and can use the precedent to petition that either you or your guild name have harmed his feelings or had slandered the proud of his nation.

As the result of his petition for this case the winner will be he(whiner) not you and independently of you want it or not you or your guild well be fiercely given a name that, according to the stars and moon position, will be most pleasant to game master, reviewing this case.

No one will ever ask you and, even considering yourself as the most powerful , being Guild Master. You will be overthrown and with easy hand move game master will turn your dream into nightmare with worst disaster. Even if you proudly have acted in the name of your guild for a long time, made history and legends, GM won't care about that. Only they care about it's just to close their ticket, get the highest ration, get their money and put a "soft" on you. Only a sense less nonhuman beings can act as such as GM's do.

The story above is not a myth or some rumour it's what had happened to my guild. In an eye blink GM have turned our shiny daily fun into disaster and pointless play.

In order to satisfy one player need he managed to harm and harass feelings and history of more than 100 people (Yes not players, but PEOPLE), spat on our traditions, history and our personalities by naming us the NONAME guild.

When we have started playing SWTOR with thoughts that the rules for PVP are same as everywhere, we were wrong! The honest duel between confronting in-game nations no longer can be solved the old good proven sword to sword way.

The EULA must be rewritten as per se mentioning the part of PVP confrontations will be solved by tickets non by the play. And the one who being most whiny will win.

So whine and do petitions for any reason you consider harassing to you, your nation, family, and even harassing your cat or dog!

Let the whiny win!



Paprika, 50 operative

Server - Lord Calypho

Guild - Kgb

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