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Offhand doesn't always attack?


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Offhand weapon attacks feel more like a proc then an actual attack. Many times when using abilities that hit with both sabers I don't see a second attack flytext. I would expect to see a MISS flytext if the offhand attacks but is a miss. I do occasionally see damage flytext from the offhand including the MISS flytext but many times I see no flytext for offhand attacks which leads me to believe that for whatever reason they do not always go through.


An easy way to test this is to spam an ability that attacks with both sabers and has a low focus cost. Cyclone slash has a focus cost of 1 with proper skills and attacks instantly with both sabers making it ideal. Spam Cyclone slash and carefully observe the flytext. You always see the big number from the primary weapon but you will notice that many times there is no flytext from a second attack.


So is this a visual bug of the flytext not displaying the second attack? Or does our second attack not always go through?

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It is dependent upon the type of ability you use. Any lightsaber attacks that can be done with one lightsaber will occasionally count the second. Any lightsaber attacks that require both will only calculate the damage as one attack.
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Main hand and offhand attacks are only showing when you auto-attack.


I think that when you use your combat skills to attack it is treated as a single attack with your main saber, not at two seperate attacks.


Which auto attack is this? the one that the game doesn't have.

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Main hand and offhand attacks are only showing when you auto-attack.


I think that when you use your combat skills to attack it is treated as a single attack with your main saber, not at two seperate attacks.


Not true. Merciless will hit ~4k and follow with a 700-1500 second attack.

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So is this a visual bug of the flytext not displaying the second attack? Or does our second attack not always go through?


A very good point you've brought up. I've tried testing this in the past but haven't come up with anything concrete due to the lack of a combat log.


The flytext is a bit buggy. It'll sometimes stop showing numbers and often times show misleading numbers. E.g. if you use an attack that does 4000 dmg and then immediately use another ability that does 1000 dmg, you'd normally expect the flytext to scroll a "4000" followed by a "1000"; instead, sometimes you'll see a "4000" followed by a "5000" (being the sum total of the two attacks). It may appear llike you just did 9000 dmg but of course you only did 5000. This leads me to believe that the flytext is the problem. When we see the single number it could be the total of both the MH and OH attacks, and then just randomly it may choose to show the numbers separately. Who knows, though? Without a combat log we can't prove anything. If it's NOT a visual bug, then there's a hidden "proc chance" for OH attacks and then a separate modifier for accuracy.

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