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Wich timeline do you like most and why? Im a T.O.R fan. I always liked the SW movies but i never got into them. Well i dident like Ep 2. Its a chick flick. Anyways i decided to give this K.O.T.O.R game a try when it first came out and i was like Holly crap after i fineshed the game. Never was i so into a games story and main charicter. After playing kotor i found myself likeing everything SW.I even enjoy the movies more now. The main reason i like the T.O.R timeline is simply how different it is from the Skywalker time. T.O.R is writen with a bit more realism. The skywalker time seems a bit more fantastic.Plz donot write what you dont like about a timeline. Theres plenty of hate on the forums. Just what you do like about one of them. TY.
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I like the clone wars period. Yes, bring on the hate. I like the Rule of Two, I like the way the Jedi are trained and Jar-Jar doesn't bother me. He doesn't even appear around much. There.

Cheers dude! I agree with you :) I like Republic period more than Galactic Empire period. The whole Republic thing leaves more room for political intrigue and the Jedi Council is simply ******. Despite all their failures.


Don't know which I prefer though, Old Republic or Clone Wars Republic. When I have the time I'd like to dive deeper into EU, both Clone Wars series and some books/comics about Old Republic period.

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