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PvP Brackets?


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There are brackets, its 10-49 then 50. With Bolster the only real difference between characters in the first bracket is their range of skills available. Once you hit about 20 or so... its not so bad. The real issue, really, is that they advertise PVP to people when they hit 10 when really it should start after you finish the first planet and get your ship - at that point it all becomes moderately balanced.
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huh, u got like 11k health with lvl 10?

~2k hits?



if you would have looked closer u would have recognized that your skills and stats are scaled up.

so everybody get's scaled up to ~lvl 50



still there are some brackets since a few weeks:

10-49 and 50.

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skills and stats scaled up does not counter the fact higher levels have more talent points spending increasing damage dealth or lowering damage recieved. nor does it count for the fact most classes get the best skills in the mid 30s ranged so for lvl 10s to go into warzones against lvl 30+ is unbalanced and not right. rifts pvp brackets was best solution to all pvpers of all lvl ranges to allow them to have more fun and not get totally steamrolled by igher lvls who are able to do more damage and have more skills and talent points to utilize


brackets are needed but bioware wont do a thing. they cannot get pvp right wotever they do.

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