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Vannila WoW vs SWTOR


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The good news is tonite, if I wanted to, I could go back to a WoW that is up and running, or visit SWTOR forums for the 2nd night this week because it's down... the bad news, I would really perfer to be leveling my 4 Jedi toons.


This little concept called progress, has me confused as to why we're comparing ancient WoW to brand new SWTOR. WoW was broken, SWTOR is broken. One is playable, one is not.


Sure it's just my opinion SWTOR is unplayable... but it's called Server status, and it's listed as offline!


The first time I lost playing time, it was for something as important as emotes during travel... really? Is Bioware or whomever is running this show really gonna fix this game ONE BUG at a time, 4-8 hours at a time???


I tell you one feature WoW has that SWTOR does not... it's a rolling restart!

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this post is for bioware :p hope they read it xD


here are the thing that i like about both games;




vanilla pvp system (ranks): im not comparing this one with swtor because no one can get even close to this one, it was the best pvp system ever. people say "oh it was about who farms more, not fair". if u dont have time, go back to school, mmorpg genre requires time from players...leveling also takes painfully long time but they dont remove that from the game do they?


challenging content: temple of ahn qiraj, C'thun. nuff said.


reasonable ilvls (even though there was no ilvl system back in the day): even when i was farming aq40, i was still going to bwl and mc every single week. because those items were also useful in progress. (considering 40 men raids, took a little while to gear up) and who is still going for bwd or bastion of twilight? no one, previous patches in the same content become garbage once they release a new patch.


no compromise: when blizzard started to listen people who QQ over and over on their forums, thats when WoW era was over. if people dont have the skills to do what is necessary in the current content or in pvp, that doesnt mean you have to try and make the game easier. swtor is currently awesome. the game is difficult enough which makes it fun for me.




story based content and leveling: this is what makes me enjoy this game the most. as an old school rpg player, the first thing i need to know in a video game is its story. if they could improve the number of choices you have in dialogs, it would be awesome but the game is already satisfying as it is.


crew skills: i find this feature ingenius to be frank. considering high lvl gameplay, the companions become somewhat useless in combat (unless you customize their gears personally). and since you can have one active companion at a time with you, this feature becomes actually extremely useful. and realistic in my opinion. after all they are your crew, if you ask them to do something useful for you - say gathering some metal etc - they have to do it.


challenging content: i ll give an example about this one; colicoid war game, the 2nd event, absolutely beautiful and brilliant.


space battles: since i have insufficent pc specifications (graphics and ram) i dont enjoy high lvl missions but considering it as a general gameplay, i think this feature is one of the things that makes this game so epic.


a little criticism: im sorry but except huttball, other warzones are lame. as an all-round player, i think pvp scenarios should never overshadow the actual purpose; player vs player.

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I couldn't agree with you more, WoW was ruined as soon as they listened to the whingers, it was over, in closed beta it was SOOOOO good PvP wise, group pvp was AMAZING, they had the thing down pat, then release, they changed things cause people had a whinge, even that was crap compared to closed beta, undead people complained about being so OP but pallies could kill them in close to 2 or 3 shots with their unique ability to kill undead, the game required classes to kill others and in essence brought a unique group pvp mindset and fun to the game, this was ruined as soon as bliz listened to the whingers oh he kills me 1v1 SO easily and then nerf nerf nerf and game was ruined.


SWTOR on the other hand everything feels like it was ruined at launch, I didn't get in to closed beta (or at least the very early one so I cant comment) but the stress test and early invite things just felt so broken, I wont go in to class specifics with names cause everyone has their favourite and will defend it to the grave, but there is something wrong when you are disabled and can be killed in pretty much 2 or 3 hits, SPECIALLY when that class does more damage than a clothie (which I thought the whole point was offsetting protection to do a lot more damage, and at the moment in this game that is not happening what so ever) I dunno I feel lost for words trying to describe what to fix and where to fix it, as its all over the forums, so many problems where to start kind of thing? Hence why its been said SWTOR could do with a whole engine and interface redo, I can pretty much see where they are coming from.


After saying all this I REALLY wanted to love this game, to many things spoiling it for me to enjoy though.... yes wow had servers that crashed and lagged so damn often at release, where as SWTOR are pretty damn stable, but SWTOR has so many other issues (big and small) that REALLY REALLY effects how you feel and get emerged into the game. A lot of people I know (fan boys will disagree) have left, free month of course so people will keep playing , and a lot of people bought game cards so that's 2 months (which included me) of gaming time, after that I think you will see more and more people leaving. I hit 50 and I'm bored, started another character cause I think after the pvp novelty wears off, the only thing that keeps me interested is the different characters story's, and having to go through the same planets quests is boring as hell, the only difference being the characters storyline which is only 4 or 5 parts? Per planet, rest is the fillers and like I said, doing them over and over.... boring as, and I've NEVER got bored of an MMO so damn fast before, maybe its cause we are just use to better? (Not saying much is better out there currently , but at the time yes it was, for me at least)

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