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A simple point?


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So, lets be honest. These forums are filled with rubbish. But I got to thinking.


Do we all not want our game to succeed?


All the crying threads, what games may or may not come out, this is better then that, etc.


I agree that this game does need some fixes. But when do we as a gaming community give it time? Not blowing the " games failing" whistle so fast?


I added it up, over the last nine plus years of my MMO gaming.I have spent upwards of 800$ in just game purchases. Not including monthly fees. ( Yes,I even bought Tabular Rasa lol).


Alls I'm saying is we all play MMOs. At the end of the day its us as the gamers who will make or break it. Quit writing brand new games off just because of a few bugs or fixes.


Cause if you think GW2, or any other game will be prefect then you are very clouded. I want my gaming community in Swotor, buddies to play with. Not lambs that didn't give anything a chance and jump from game to game just cause its new.


Its our choice is all I'm saying. Being positive takes more effort I guess I don't know~

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