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Pyro: Merc vs PT


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Hey all,


I am starting up a bounty hunter and I am very curious about the pyrotech action. I like the mobile playstyle and I am fine with a char that can play in range or in close combat. I've browsed the skill trees and so on but I am uncertain as to what would be the more advantageous path. I've played for about 3 weeks on the Rep side and this will be my first Imp. I've got a good grasp on the basics of how things work as far as most classes go. IE...energy, ammo, force, etc. I understand the regen at various levels and so on.


Can anyone give me some insight on the differences and strengths/weaknesses of the 2 different types of pyros? It's my understanding that the Merc Pyro is a bit softer but has a heal to help things along and some additional ranged components that the PT doesn't have. However, it's also my understanding that the PT is a bit more durable and has more tools for up close and personal play as well as having a legit interupt. What I don't know is the relative value of those things compared with each other.


I'm basically looking for some give and take commentary from folks playing one or the other or even if someone has played both and wants to chip in.


Let me give thanks in advance for any and all who provide useful commentary and opinion. There are no wrong answers here, just people giving voicing their experience...so again, thank you.



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Durability is about the same really. Merc will have an offhand gun, the powertech will have a generator.


The differences are that the merc will cast powershots as filler and the powertech will fill with flameburst, which makes the powertech somewhat more mobile, but requires a closer range.


Then there's the non-tree class differences


Powertech gets:

2 Taunts (reduces pvp damage by 50% to other targets)


AoE stun

Short cooldown meele interrupt

25% crit chance cooldown


Merc gets:

Limited Healing

AoE knockback

1 minute cooldown CC

Debuff removal

natures swiftness like (instant cast a cast) cooldown.


Their other specs are substantially more different of course.

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Merc gains a little extra mobility and less reliance on ye old mocked tracer spam by going pyro. They still have to turret a fair chunk as the PPA resets come from power shot and unload.


PTs get ranged firepower (very noticeable on a close ranged class), a guaranteed way to proc CGC which is not only extra damage but a guaranteed snare and an easier way to always get the 9% extra damage for burning targets without having to waste 25 heat on IM (mercs only almost guaranteed proc is from unload due to its multiple hits). Lastly powertechs get 60% extra armor pen to rail shot which is MASSIVE.

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Thanks for all the replies so far.


It seems like PT is the leading spec for a pyro with what I am seeing. I plan on being heavily pvp oriented with this character and in any kind of pvp conflict stationary of any kind is usually a death sentence.


Being mobile has always been key for me and my comfort level.


With all that said and the responses so far, PT seems a pretty clear winner for my playstyle, though I guess I do have one last question with regards to PT pyro....how is the ranged aspect?


If I do have a few moments to stand and shoot from range how do they do? I realize that optimal usage will have me in the 4-10m range and moving which is perfectly fine, but say long range shooting and long range shooting on the move. Are there tools for dishing out some dmg while running into a fight or if my pulls are on cool down or if im on a catwalk or ledge looking down on someone nearly dead that needs to be finished off?


I do like what I've read so far and as long as the PT Pyro has some long range tools it sounds like a near perfect choice for me.


Thanks again all,


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Being mobile in terms of not casting is true for Pyro PT. However, I feel Pyro PT is one of the slowest ACs. Pyro PT (in terms of 31-point investment) has no passive movement speed bonus nor charge/leaps (ala JK/SW or ST PT). Degauss helps, but overall your speed is only at best running speed (without external buffs). You're either moving at running speed or snared or rooted; that's it.


Luckily, Pyro PT is also one of the best ACs for keeping people in its range. 10 m FB w/ a guaranteed CGC snare and the usual PT/BH toolset definitely can offset that weakness. Then there's also ST/Pyro hybrids for mobility.

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