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Best Mercenary PvP Build


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game isnt built around 1v1 combat. for a team based game, the best spec currently is bodyguard/arsenal hybrid because it allows you as a player to have more impact on your team, and towards winning a warzone match. with that said, its still purely personal opinion to be honest. I find when pugging though that healing spec allows me to win an extra 30-40% of my matches over a dps spec.


Overall though, a decent spec, but specifically the lack of energy rebounder is problematic, since its a very nice ability, which allows your shield to be ready far more often. its certainly better then both degauss and infrared sensors.

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I saw it earlier and thought it was a decent spec. I was even thinking about trying out. That was the guy's first post who said "Worst spec ever" Also get out of here with your "play a healing spec to help the team" garbage.
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