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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Bh Armour progression


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I am at level 23 right now and I have a few of the flashpoint athesis pieces.



My questions are:


1How does the armour progression work in this game? Am I correct to assume that certain flashpoints drop armour sets for certain classes?


2. What will be the next armour set I am looking to get? Will Mandalorian Raiders flashpoint drop a bunch of BH gear taht will be good level 25 or no?


3. Is there any "must have" gear in the mid 20s early thirties that I should get along the way? I just dont wanna miss out on something nice even if i will outgrow it in a week ya know.

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do not bother do FP more than once.


get orange armor and upgrade the mods. use planet commendation from quest to buy mod.


make sure u do wz just to complete daily. buy lvl40 orange pvp set. get 1 set for mako and torian if possible. gault or blizz can borrow theirs . upgrade the mod as u lvl up.


once land on belsavis forget side quest. just do planet main quest to unlock bonus quest and join 50's in your guild to farm daily commendation. the mods u get from H4 & H2 is only few stat less than tionese or centurion gear. you even meet the min requirement to do ops.


good luck

Edited by rolotomasi
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I think the first really decent-looking armor you get is from the Taris bonus series, and I was lvl 33-34 when I got it. You get a full set that way, and it's all orange so it's moddable and you can keep it all the way through. I'm wearing it now -- not wild about the color scheme, but it's waaaay better looking than the stuff I had before.
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I'm an armourtech and was making my own armour sets as I leveled up. Wearing better armour with better stats than I could get off of mob drops. I'm on Taris now though farming the TT-15A Powertech armour set. I just love the way that armour set looks. I've seen people with Sith Warrior armour that they have just changed out the mods in though. I guess it just depends on what your want your toon to look like. Armourtech though has some really nice sets that you can craft though and finding mats is easy with all the nodes and droids in the game.
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