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Mid LVL Slump?


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My merc is lvl 33 and I am having some issues. I feel squishy and don’t seem to be doing the dmg I think I should. I mainly have issues w/ the Silver mobs + 1 or when my AOE spells are on CD. I start by putting Mako on the silver mob while I TM then unload on the other then kill the silver. My problem comes in when I am done and I am sitting at half health or less. I am arsenal, will barrage and the heat seeker missile talents make all the difference?

Additionally, I have a sorcerer that is in the low 20s and feel that I just melt mobs. Not sure if the grass is just greener.

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I don't think you should direct Mako to attack the silver. Leave her alone and she'll heal you. You could cc the silver, nuke the normal, then back to the silver. But you shouldn't even need to do that.


What I normally do on silver +1 is open with explosive dart on the normal, followed by TM. Usually he's dead with just those 2, or then you can add another TM or just the normal attack. If the silver is melee, use your jet boost and electro dart when they're up, but basically just TM->TM->TM->Rail Shot->TM->Unload. Also Mako does her cc periodically which interrupts attacks (forget what level she gets that but I think it's <33). And the whole time she's healing you, so I'm typically at 100% at the end of a silver +1. Even on the H2+ quests at level with a gold and 2 silvers, I cc the gold, nuke 1 silver, then the other, then the gold, and Mako can usually keep me topped up pretty well for however long the gold takes.


Maybe you have Mako on dps stance or something? Maybe that's faster, not sure, but you definitely need her healing on longer fights.

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