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The Jedi Knight questions


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Hi guys, I have a couple of questions about the Jedi Knight.


I have levelled up a bounty hunter to 50, a marauder to 30, inquisitor to 28 and imperial agent to 22. All these stories seems to be pretty good and I wanna continue, however after watching the movies again ive decided to give my level 18 jedi knight a try! I don't want to waste time since my jedi knight havent got professions or anything like that and he's on a random server, so I want it to be worth it, story wise mostly. Sooo.. How is the story in comparision to the Sith? I just can't have fun being evil all the time, so Jedi Knight would really fit me if the story is that great. Motivate your answers please, :)

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I, also, was curious to try the Republic side and played a Knight for a bit. I was thoroughly disappointed. I made it through the first three planets and gave up because the story was not remotely engaging. It was like poorly written fan fic.
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