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What wrong with elites and companions?


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Oh, so you don't play a lightning sorcerer then? :p


I play a sage who I've tried both dps trees of, and either way it's all faceroll. I'm sorry but it really is a L2P situation, or learn to gear perhaps? (yourself and your companion)


Sorc gets a melee tank companion fairly early right? I'm not sure what you are doing, but again any elite (I'm assuming you mean a gold star?) all I do is put a put a bubble on my tank buddy, send him in, and spam away any combination of dps abilities I have, and the baddie dies before the buddy.


Maybe you need to use your tank and gear him as a tank? I dunno really. I can't see how you are having problems. I've got 3 classes to around level 45, and dps sage has been comically easy so far, actually rivaling commando now at higher levels.


Edit: I do understand the original complaint that as some awesome sith or elite trooper you shouldn't necessarily have to have a buddy system to fight some stupid droid. I understand it, but also disagree that it detracts from the game. It's just the route they took for gameplay, I think it works well and adds a unique element. I can see why some people may not enjoy it. *shrug* unfortunately they are out of luck, it's how the game was designed.

Edited by lueckjathom
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It might just be that playing a sith sorcerer with the cookie cutter lightning spec is completely gimped then. That is also a possibility. xD


It's not a l2p issue. I've done most of the heroicmode raids in WoW and I have been playing MMOs since I was 16. I've got more MMO experience than most. (I'm 24 now, btw)


In other words almost no MMO experience

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From my point of view, it s hard to play whit no companion after level 30. You are companion dependant after lvl 30 in pve.

And the only companion usefull is the healer... Keep him geared, follow your story, do the story quest and side quests and you ll level like a breeze. No need to do Heroic or Flashpoint.

I keep seeing people saying that you have to have a healer companion, but that isn't my experience. On my sith juggernaught dps (vengeance spec) I was able to use the melee dps companion you get after act one (don't want to say name due to possible spoiler) all the way to 50. If I wasn't careful I could die, but it was very possible and I was able to successfully do it. If I really had trouble it just meant I had to send companion in first and let em hit for a few secs before I attack, and possibly use a med pack, but it was all very doable.

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I keep seeing people saying that you have to have a healer companion, but that isn't my experience. On my sith juggernaught dps (vengeance spec) I was able to use the melee dps companion you get after act one (don't want to say name due to possible spoiler) all the way to 50. If I wasn't careful I could die, but it was very possible and I was able to successfully do it. If I really had trouble it just meant I had to send companion in first and let em hit for a few secs before I attack, and possibly use a med pack, but it was all very doable.


i tried this in my sin tank.

Yeah , it is quite possible to tank with a dps companion if you both are geared.

But believe me , with a healing companion you can just smash trough the content , while with a dps you must still rest after fights.

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On my tank spec'd jugg I used a dps companion until somewhere around level 40. Then I switched to the healer just to speed things up and not have to be so careful. Plus the healer had the CC which made a big difference.


At least companions don't nag you when you break their CC....

Edited by Rantank
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lols at OP thinking you need to use a tank or healer companion, i dont use them on ANY of my characters, always use the dps one as it makes fights shorter. my sorc used ashara on thanaton and killed him on my first shot, always spec'd as dps at the time and the fight was very epic!


cc's interrupts and los are the best ways to down elites, not tanking or healing them... once people realize this the content will be much faster/easier for them! my marauder only uses vette or jaesa (both dps companions) and i have no problem doing any content in the game at 50, and the final fight was a joke (much and i mean much easier than the SI one).


elites hit weak until they do special atks, avoid those and you dont ever have to use a companion...

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And you can't even use the companion you want to use. As a dps or healer you HAVE to use a tank companion. As a tank you HAVE to use a healing companion.


That's complete huttspit. I'm a Mercenary DD and am using my healer companion exclusively.


Also, for the record, I love pwning normal Mobs with AOE-Oneshots. I feel frakking epic.

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<What I think would make ToR truly shine would be to unbalance PvE! And what I mean by that is that you should allow players to use whatever companion they feel like. Or not use a companion at all!>


I'm glad you're not running a major sector of the economy since you have no conception whatsoever of scale or viability.


The elite and companion dynamics are built into the game, inexorably. They can't be changed without overhauling every single combat dynamic in the game. Complain if you want.


Yeah, it screws up "role-playing" of being a powerful Sith Lord when you have to team up to beat some random guy. It's something KOTOR did very well that the copied MMO+companion dynamics don't do.

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On my tank spec'd jugg I used a dps companion until somewhere around level 40. Then I switched to the healer just to speed things up and not have to be so careful.


This. I'll sometimes use Vette if theres a bunch of smaller mobs... otherwise I just Quinn and I dont really pay attention, I just hop from mob group to mob group without any downtime. Vettes completely viable as she's the best DPS companion there is, I just like being able to watch tv or do something else without having to worry about staying alive.


What does peeve me about companions is the fact that you get some really useless ones. As a jugg, why would I want a melee dps (jaesa)? Why would I want to use a ranged tank (pierce)? I was kinda hoping that each companion would be an improvement over the prior ones, but that doesnt seem to be the case.

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