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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

No wedding ceremony, very dissapointed.


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So a while ago I proposed to Mako. Then through a series of mail messages she went through status of being engaged to married...by hacking marriage registries. While hacking things is "in character" for Mako, it still felt like a cop out, or corner cutting measure, on Bioware's part. They should know from a story telling standpoint that major plotpoints should happen on screen, not off.


There isnt even an "on screen" acknowledgement between the two characters that they were married, which you at least get that much of with Vette.


I hope future expansions give a little more content to this relationship than those 3 measly messages I got.

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So a while ago I proposed to Mako. Then through a series of mail messages she went through status of being engaged to married...by hacking marriage registries. While hacking things is "in character" for Mako, it still felt like a cop out, or corner cutting measure, on Bioware's part. They should know from a story telling standpoint that major plotpoints should happen on screen, not off.


There isnt even an "on screen" acknowledgement between the two characters that they were married, which you at least get that much of with Vette.


I hope future expansions give a little more content to this relationship than those 3 measly messages I got.


its not much better when you marry torian as a female bh


your entire "cerimony" is a very fast exchange of promises, followed by a kissing scene (which cuts just as their lips touch), entire marriage scene takes maybe 20 seconds total


after that you get about 3 emails from him with companion gifts attached (funny hes giving me gifts that can only be used to give it right back to him)


20 seconds "i like you", "oh? i like you too" topped off with an almost kiss and 3 emails, yep, we have a great marriage.......


its been 2 weeks, he dont even talk to me, and says nothing different even if i use him on missions. id expect things at least some dialogue changes like "be careful honey" when we are out fighting together or something


i give up on him, im ready to cheat on him with mako as soon as bioware pulls their collective heads out of their *** and lets me go fem on fem


how much affection did you have with mako before proposing ? mine is 4700 and I am 50 :( I think i lost a lot of affection because of the dark side choices :D


ffs buy her gifts, tier 5 purples will net you 400+ affection


all my companions are 10,000 affection, it took less than a day to do at lvl 50 (just spent my time between pvp ques giving them gifts every 30 seconds)

Edited by Kunovega
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1 noob question buying tier 5 gift need something called gift fragments or something like that how can i obtain some?


those are from treasure hunting, however its not the only way to get teir 5 gifts


most mission skills (NOT gathering or crafting) will allow you to send companions out for companion gifts (i get mine from underworld trading)


also, theres usually some for sale on the marketplace, when i was building affection i just started sending them out for companion gifts and than bought a couple dozen more off the marketplace


never once had to care about gift fragments

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all my companions are 10,000 affection, it took less than a day to do at lvl 50 (just spent my time between pvp ques giving them gifts every 30 seconds)


why is it i always get item not ready? i don't know how long is cd but sometimes it is more than 12hrs.


sometime you can give 2-3 different gift, sometimes only 1.

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why is it i always get item not ready? i don't know how long is cd but sometimes it is more than 12hrs.


sometime you can give 2-3 different gift, sometimes only 1.


... its kinda obvious


when you use a gift, you get a buff (i cant remember what its called, adoration? or something, basically you are being showered with affection)


until the buff wears off you cannot give another gift, its maybe 20 or 30 seconds long


it was white with some party color sparkles on it, just watch your buffs when you give gifts.... this was explained in one of the tool tips early in the game too, i think more people should read those instead of skipping through....

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