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WHY is "Rough and Tumble" STILL not fixed?!?!


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Submitted multiple tickets, seen multiple forum posts, not even a acknowledgement of the issue. THERE'S A FREAKING TALENT IN THE DIRTY FIGHTING TREE THAT IS BROKEN AND HAS BEEN BROKEN SINCE THE GAME HAS BEEN LIVE (AND MAYBE EARLIER?!).



As said in 100 other places, the talent is supposed to reduce the energy of Wounding Shots by 3/6 and does NOTHING. And OF COURSE the Agent mirror - "License to Kill" works perfect. What the hell do I have to do to freaking get my talent working!




There's only so many tickets I can submit. This is just stupid. All I want is to not have to pay 25 Energy for my skill. I'm sure this will never get read, just like every other disparity between Agents and Smugglers, but I can't just sit here and play the game like this stuff is okay. Until then, I will continue submitting complaints.

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I find it works sometimes when respeccing... But I have finally decided to abandon my scoundrel, cause it really is a broken AC.

Subpar at everything we do, requiring so much effort for so little...


Same boat here, I'm working on my alt- a Focus spec Jedi Guardian. Its hilarious getting 4K AOE crits at lvl 43

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Yeah, went vanguard myself. It's too bad really, cause the class had a lot of promise and really felt like something new in the MMO world, but it really lacks polish like you see in the other classes. Guess that comes with playing the least played spec of the least played class...


To OP: Try respeccing and then ticketing for a refund!

Edited by Coolcutter
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That's odd... This was supposed to have been fixed back in the 1.1 patch.


Dirty Fighting (Shared Tree)


Rough and Tumble: This skill now properly reduces the cooldown of Wounding Shots.


I mean, I assumed that was just a typo and they meant to say cost instead of cooldown...



Have you definitely confirmed it's not just a tooltip error like Accomplished Sawbones was?

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That's odd... This was supposed to have been fixed back in the 1.1 patch.




I mean, I assumed that was just a typo and they meant to say cost instead of cooldown...



Have you definitely confirmed it's not just a tooltip error like Accomplished Sawbones was?



Tested and retested over and over again. I don't want my credits back, I just want it to stop being ignored like every other Republic / Imperial disparity. Wounding shots doesn't even have a cooldown for scoundrels!!!!!

Edited by boooshy
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Yeah, went vanguard myself. It's too bad really, cause the class had a lot of promise and really felt like something new in the MMO world, but it really lacks polish like you see in the other classes. Guess that comes with playing the least played spec of the least played class...


To OP: Try respeccing and then ticketing for a refund!


I really love playing the dirty fighting tree. Granted I am geared to all hell but the playstyle of it is quite fun once you get used to it. Even with my bugged talent I still rake in 50+ kills and 400k+ damage per warzone

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so you are giving up on your class due to a very very minor detail? There is soo much I want to say about your post but I just dont have the energy.......but I will say....larf




I ain't givin up ****, I love my character, just pissed my talent doesn't work after sending in bug report after bug report.

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