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1 class down, whos next for the nerf bat! Gj BW!


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So at this time, this feels just like WoW…. I hated the nerf cycles in WoW. Just buff 2 nerf the rest, do that every month and gives everyone a taste of being the over powered, gets people to stop complaining for a bit and keep people playing…

I really thought that was something BW wouldn’t do, but man was I shocked…

Now my only level 50 who was barely able to burst up to the sustained damage of many other classes has been reduced to garbage. What’s the thought process here? The issue was burst damage in pvp, so why was the resolve to destroy the classes DPS? Not just for a concealment 31 point specs but for everyone who uses melee, and if you don’t make yourself hybrid and go straight DPS, you are worthless in every aspect. How is this the solution BW?

I have watched many friends play, watched many video’s of all classes and the combination of our opener was strong but that was the only thing we had as a concealment operative. Now, we cannot keep the enemy controlled, cannot provide the DPS to kill anything with a heal or wearing more than medium armor. We cannot sustain DPS that is comparable to many classes like marauders and mercenaries. Why were we made to be worthless???

This is my first complaint on these forums, the first time I felt the need to say anything but BioWare, you really screwed up here…. You took a mediocre class and made it worthless entirely, pvp, pve, heals are sub par now DPS is garbage.

What you should have done – Reduced HS stun to 2 seconds. Retool the 25 point talent to + to crit damage to exclude HS or only buff HS by say 15% instead of 30. At most….

You should have buffed our other abilities to provide higher sustained damage if anything.

In the mean time, lets see if my subscription lasts until you fix this ridiculous nerf…

Cant even find a damn group that will take me anymore since every aspect of my class is worthless..

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And here comes the QQ-train. I was wondering when the "nerf-bat" complaints would start.


Not even that, but that's just unreadable. He could of at least properly structured his argument. Anyways, it's good they listen, some balancing is needed.

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Not even that, but that's just unreadable. He could of at least properly structured his argument. Anyways, it's good they listen, some balancing is needed.


I haven't hit max level yet, but it's kind of hard to follow how well I'm doing for damage without a damage meter. I can watch my damage ticks, but I'm not sure how to compare it to someone else's.


So unless I'm missing something here... how does he know they're useless? xD

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