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WTB Elder Ardent Warrior's Vest


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As the title states. i couldn't find a better forums for this ( hey bioware give us a trade forum would you?)


But I want to buy an Elder Ardent Warrior's vest on the Kath Hound server. please send a tell or the vest CoD to Tillek.

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Hello there, check out the new server group forums:




We have implemented the Server Group Forums to help address some of the concerns the community has and to make Forums organization a little easier to use overall.


The Server Group Forums are divided by server type (PvE, PvP, RP, and RP-PvP), and then alphabetically by the server listing. We have grouped several servers of the same types together to provide areas where players can more easily talk with others on their server (and other players on the same types of servers) – about crafting items, grouping up, hosting events, and more. Each Server Group Forum hosts several servers. If your server’s name falls in the alphabetical range in the forum title, that’s where you’ll post!


Each Server Group Forum has a Guild Recruitment subforum where players can recruit others into their guilds and look for a guild. There are many more subforums for recruitment in this new organization than previously, so it is much easier to find a guild on your server!


When posting a thread, you will be required to select a server name prefix to identify the server you're posting for. Simply select your server name from the drop-down menu, and then enter your thread title. You can search for these tags using the search feature, which makes it much easier to find threads for your own server.


As a side effect of opening these new forums, we will close the Guild Hall and Server Events sections of the forum, as the content for those forums now belongs under our Server Group Forums. We’ll leave those forums visible for a time (but not open for posts) so that you can grab the text of your recruitment posts (or any other posts you’d like to keep from those forums) and post in the new Server Group Forums.


We understand that some players would still prefer individual server forums. If volume in the Server Group Forums dictates and it is still too difficult to locate information important to you that relates to your server, we will continue to consider additional changes. We believe this organization will allow us to have a thriving area for per-server discussion, and we’ll remain flexible and receptive to feedback from these changes. As always, if you have any other suggestions for the forums (new forums you’d like to see, changes that would be helpful), we’re glad to hear them. Thank you for providing your constructive feedback!

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