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Getting sick of these 2AM system shutdowns.


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No. I don't play video games during the daytime. Why would you want to play games during the daytime? Go to work.


Or school, which i already do. They just end at 10-11am. Or start around 2-3pm and last til 5 or 7. Which makes day time great for me.


I delt with it. I got used to it. I adjusted for it ebcause it was only once a week. *shrug*

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are you listening? At all? Downtime in this game happens during prime time.






it has nothing to do with just me






are you really going to be this guy, the irony of you asking if someone is listening which by the way this is text you READ not listen unless your visually impaired, i mean seriously in what world is midnight prime time. I reckon in magical pixie world which is obviously where your head is (i know it to be somewhere else but for sake of keeping this somewhat pleasant pixie world will do)


Australia 7pm that's the middle of Australia prime time. midnight is not prime time in any time zone, EU midnight is not prime time Asia midnight is not prime time. ITS MIDNIGHT.


any company that offers off peak services, its around MIDNIGHT. seriously get it through your head.no reasonable person says midnight is prime time for their area. you may be a night owl and midnight is your preferred time but that STILL DOES NOT MAKE IT PRIME TIME

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Look at the length of time both games have had out then think about....think about it some more....think about why frequency of maintenance may be different....then come back


Doesnt change the fact that servers are taken down at 2AM.

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are you really going to be this guy, the irony of you asking if someone is listening which by the way this is text you READ not listen unless your visually impaired, i mean seriously in what world is midnight prime time. I reckon in waster world which is obviously where your head is (i know it to be somewhere else but for sake of keeping this somewhat pleasant waster world will do)


Australia 7pm that's the middle of Australia prime time. midnight is not prime time in any time zone, EU midnight is not prime time Asia midnight is not prime time. ITS MIDNIGHT.


any company that offers off peak services, its around MIDNIGHT. seriously get it through your head.no reasonable person says midnight is prime time for their area. you may be a night owl and midnight is your preferred time but that STILL DOES NOT MAKE IT PRIME TIME


Fixed the post for you

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Doesnt change the fact that servers are taken down at 2AM.


And 2 am is an inconvenient time how? Shouldn't you be in bed if you need to be up in the morning? Or if not, you can go to bed and by the time you're up so are the servers. I really don't see the problem, unless perhaps you'd like the servers never to go down and to have no development? Because it seems that's what you want

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thank you the level of stupidity is getting to me. Im going to have to read a book or learn something to recover which coincidentally is something that can be done during down time.


I'm listening to Holst which is only making me angrier as it's not a calming composition.

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I'm listening to Holst which is only making me angrier as it's not a calming composition.


I'm sick, which is weirdly making me more patient. Also, i regard getting better a lot more important than getting angry. :p


inb4 gotobed. I've slept a lot of the day already so my sleep schedule is wacked up.

Edited by Clova
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And 2 am is an inconvenient time how? Shouldn't you be in bed if you need to be up in the morning? Or if not, you can go to bed and by the time you're up so are the servers. I really don't see the problem, unless perhaps you'd like the servers never to go down and to have no development? Because it seems that's what you want


We want WoW maintenance hours. We have been very clear about this. Why are you struggling with this understanding?

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We want WoW maintenance hours. We have been very clear about this. Why are you struggling with this understanding?


You want WoW maintenance times, go play WoW. I believe that it is starkly obvious from what has been said that at the present time the maintenance hours suit the current servers. That is that it suits the majority of the time zones that these servers, not necessarily you. You should realise that if you go on at unconventional times you're going to get these sorts of occurances.

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And 2 am is an inconvenient time how? Shouldn't you be in bed if you need to be up in the morning? Or if not, you can go to bed and by the time you're up so are the servers. I really don't see the problem, unless perhaps you'd like the servers never to go down and to have no development? Because it seems that's what you want



Do we REALLY need to go back down this road again? Here is what Im going to do because I am a vengeful person, and you clearly do not like to read. I will screen shot the activity on the Imp fleet at 2AM, and when the servers are back up around 7am.


That should speak for itself.

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You want WoW maintenance times, go play WoW. I believe that it is starkly obvious from what has been said that at the present time the maintenance hours suit the current servers. That is that it suits the majority of the time zones that these servers, not necessarily you. You should realise that if you go on at unconventional times you're going to get these sorts of occurances.


But I don't play at unconvential hours. I play during prime time. So your posts are exceedingly confusing to me.

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Do we REALLY need to go back down this road again? Here is what Im going to do because I am a vengeful person, and you clearly do not like to read. I will screen shot the activity on the Imp fleet at 2AM, and when the servers are back up around 7am.


That should speak for itself.


I will do the same.

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But I don't play at unconvential hours. I play during prime time. So your posts are exceedingly confusing to me.


Are you using your own time zone to state that 2am is prime time? Because you could not be further from the truth! Tell me, what time did your parents tell you to go to bed when you were younger? I can assume that it ranges between 6pm-9pm not 11pm-2am.


For god sake, clubs start kicking out at around 3am with many closing their doors between midnight-1am. Please do not tell me you actually have this perception of the world that 2am is prime time or are you simply trolling? If you truely believe it then it defies belief

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Are you using your own time zone to state that 2am is prime time? Because you could not be further from the truth! Tell me, what time did your parents tell you to go to bed when you were younger? I can assume that it ranges between 6pm-9pm not 11pm-2am.


For god sake, clubs start kicking out at around 3am with many closing their doors between midnight-1am. Please do not tell me you actually have this perception of the world that 2am is prime time or are you simply trolling? If you truely believe it then it defies belief


2 AM? Where'd you get that time from? This game goes down at Midnight.

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Are you using your own time zone to state that 2am is prime time? Because you could not be further from the truth! Tell me, what time did your parents tell you to go to bed when you were younger? I can assume that it ranges between 6pm-9pm not 11pm-2am.


For god sake, clubs start kicking out at around 3am with many closing their doors between midnight-1am. Please do not tell me you actually have this perception of the world that 2am is prime time or are you simply trolling? If you truely believe it then it defies belief


I think he's implying its 12am where he plays, so it is prime time. If anything, thats close to the end of prime time on weekdays. Now on weekends I'd be a little more mad ebcause that is indeed still middle prime time.

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here's what bugs me. I accepted the weekly Tuesday updates even though tuesday nights is one of the days I can play all night. I don't expect them to worry about my inconvenience, however, last week they patched on Tuesday, and for some damn reason, they patched again on sat. In other words, I wait all week to play late finally on Friday night only to get cut off at 12am. Thats not cool. Now, hopefully, whatever crawled up their asses and made them kill my Frid/sat play sessing this week won't be regular occurance because if so, I don't see a reason to be paying monthly if I can't play on my normal time when i'm able to actually relax and enjoy myself.



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2 AM? Where'd you get that time from? This game goes down at Midnight.


I apologise, I thought had posted:


Originally Posted by acelesson

Doesnt change the fact that servers are taken down at 2AM.


but was mistaken

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I apologise, I thought had posted:


Originally Posted by acelesson

Doesnt change the fact that servers are taken down at 2AM.


but was mistaken


no your right its 2am cst




Date: Thursday, February 2nd, 2012



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So, again, prime time in Australia gets shafted.


This is why your staged release is a bad bad bad idea! I'm by now that you realise that all the normal maintenance times effectively stops play for the whole night here in Aus?


Atleast this one is only 2 hours, and luckily i have a dinner to goto over that time period, but it's still not right, all you had to do was release around the world proper, with maintenace periods occuring on the right servers at the right times.


I'm seriously begining to think that come March, when we finally get some servers, there will be no free transfers, or limited amount, you watch!


Also, donkey semen is not a delicacy in Australia, just like we don't ride roos to work.

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I think he's implying its 12am where he plays, so it is prime time. If anything, thats close to the end of prime time on weekdays. Now on weekends I'd be a little more mad ebcause that is indeed still middle prime time.


No, trust me, the servers go down exactly during prime time. I will provide you some screen shot proof over the next couple of days.

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