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Getting sick of these 2AM system shutdowns.


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I work until 12am CST, and like to play at night before it shuts down. Why arent these updates done at 4am-6am? Dont give me that crap that it interrupts with the Europeans...make them their own servers then. This is BS and it needs to be addressed!


Try having 2am-6am your 8pm-midnight and then it sucks x10.

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I think that the best course of action for these maintenance issues and patches is to not have them ALL done at 2am-6am,


do some of them from 10am-2pm and so on just so that the people who play late at night aren't the ones getting shafted every time.


Even if that is when the least players are playing it only makes it fair, then everybody feels the same issues and not just one concentrated group

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@OP: just think how fun it is for all the people that don't live in the US. We have to deal with this **** 2-3 times a week.


And as if that wasn't *********** terrible enough... the ********s at BW only fix one minor thing per 8h of downtime. At this rate it'll be 2030 before this crap game is on the same level as WOW was last year.


/spit @BW

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Some of us are regular late night/early AM players and are getting fed up with just sitting down to play and boom...a second or even a third server shutdown this week, every week.


We get it, it's the downtime for most people. We get it, the game needs to be patched and updated. What we don't get is why there are 6 hours of downtime Tuesday am, then less than 48 hours later, another 6 hours of downtime, why it happens every week like that, and why you would target the same players to step on twice rather than holding off and taking the servers down only once a week, or taking them down at two different times, for example first patch of the week is from 12am to 6am EST Tuesday, then the second patch of the week is 6am to 12pm Thursday, and etcetera.


And for all those people who say...it was only down for 2.5 hours yesterday, not 6...I say, I'm sorry I didn't sit in front of my computer attempting to log in every five minutes until I got on. When Bioware issues a sheduled maintanance "warning" a few hours before the second of the weeks "scheduled" downtimes, they are very "clear" that the downtime is for the 6 or 8 hours they always say it will take, but maybe less, oh, but also maybe more.

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  • 2 months later...
This game makes me sick. I can't believe I paid for this crap. Everytime I go to play I am surprised to see the red exclamation point because of maintenance. It's on different days so I sit down to play and BAM servers down. This is ridiculous for people who work nights. I am fed up with this and cashing in my chips and taking the loss. Farewell SWTOR you should have different times to go down instead of screwing the same people over and over again. I hope this game flops and people stop subscribing so they will get it right next time!
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