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Getting sick of these 2AM system shutdowns.


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These guys really need to spread the love on the unscheduled downtimes. It is getting old having them go at the same time as the weekly maint, since that is also my primary play time.


Spread it around, we all pay the same monthly fee to play.

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I will say that if they keep this up I will be leaving....../shrug






I want service for my dollar.........hard to understand?



Im on a west coast server.....1200 really?



Im seriously thinking about bailing.......And im a fan of this game....My money is more important though

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All i have to say to all you americans out there Deal with it ***** because every patch we have had the **** end of the stick you get it once and you ***** and moan go back to bashing burgers prics




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I will say that if they keep this up I will be leaving....../shrug






I want service for my dollar.........hard to understand?



Im on a west coast server.....1200 really?



Im seriously thinking about bailing.......And im a fan of this game....My money is more important though


A lot of money? Really? 15 bucks for 30 days is a lot? That's what, 50 cents a day? I think I throw more pennies around the office than that on a daily basis just out of sheer boredom.


But it's okay, your anguish on the general forums keep me warm at night.

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I can't *********** believe how often they shut the servers down at midnight.


I pay for this damn service, quit having the things go down at night. If anything, have downtimes during morning hours, starting at 6am.


It's *********** frustrating to come home and not be able to play the game I pay monthly for, more than once a week. If the game wasn't so damn good, they'd lose a ******** of players over this.

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I'm absolutely furious.


I was looking forward to playing an all nighter tonight having worked very hard during the day like a normal person. Midnight on the west coast. Wow, that's so disrespectful to me as a customer. And furthermore, to do it several times a week... I'm losing faith in this game fast over this SINGLE issue.


Fine, I get the issue of different time zones bla bla bla. Then take the servers down in different sequences! One timezone at a freaking time!


This is BS Bioware.

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I agree 100% with this. I get off work around 1am EST everynight and it seems like EVERY OTHER DAY they are running a 3-4 hour update. This is the only time I have to play and i feel like I'm wasting money because 3/7 days a week I can't play. Kinda rediculous. I could understand a 30min-1hr server restart but 6am is f******* rediculous
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I work until 12am CST, and like to play at night before it shuts down. Why arent these updates done at 4am-6am? Dont give me that crap that it interrupts with the Europeans...make them their own servers then. This is BS and it needs to be addressed!


Hey I play at night too. And last update made my game unplayable. So they're fixing it.



God damn, they care about more than just your play experience, shame on them, right? :rolleyes:

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Yeah I don't like the servers going down all the time either. But the game still has a lot of bugs and things that need fixed, and apparently they cant get it all done in once per week intervals.


I'm just glad it's not Friday at midnight like last week.

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Im gonna wake up at 6am when the server start up deadline is...just to see how important it is that these servers are up at that time! Theres gotta be a massive surge of player traffic or something at that time. Probably 220 people on Imp fleet?
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I'm absolutely furious.


I was looking forward to playing an all nighter tonight having worked very hard during the day like a normal person. Midnight on the west coast. Wow, that's so disrespectful to me as a customer. And furthermore, to do it several times a week... I'm losing faith in this game fast over this SINGLE issue.


Fine, I get the issue of different time zones bla bla bla. Then take the servers down in different sequences! One timezone at a freaking time!


This is BS Bioware.


Aww someone isn't thinking about the people Bioware would have to pay OT for to stay in all night to bring down the servers in separate junctions to accommodate maybe a 5% of the player base. It's all about the money.

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I'm sure I'm in the minority of people bothered by this but I'm really tired of logging in late at night (which is the only time I have to play since I'm a gamer with kids) looking forward to playing only to discover yet another patch is being deployed at 2am CST which translates into Midnight for your west coast customers.


I think a two hour down time for NA servers that started at 2am PST would make more sense for the majority of your NA customers.


I understand this type of maintenance is necessary but I believe there's a larger population of customers playing coast to coast between Midnight and 2am PST than there is 4am to 6am.


I'm sure a little data mining would support this opinion and help determine a more appropriate downtime schedule.


As for supporting a worldwide customer base, take a look at EvE Online's downtime schedule if you want an idea of how another company does it with their single shard server. They've been doing their maintenance beginning at 11am GMT on weekdays for at least the last five years if not longer. They don't have this issue.


Just my two cents as a customer who is generally happy with the game with this one exception.

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