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just wondering


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i have a lvl 50 marauder and have notice i am not near the other dps classes in warfronts, and am on par with other sith warriors in pvp. Was wondering if anyone else thought the same thing. For a dps class that wears medium armor it doesn't seem that they are on par with bounty hunters or agents. Not saying i want my class to be the most powerful but at least comparable to other dps classes. Is anyone else seeing this just wondering
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Just wondering: have you tried reading the forums?


Currently, about 90% of the marauder forum is dedicated to people QQing about the class being broken, and the other half are people saying the class is fine and the first half just need to l2p. There's tons of guides about how to play, and many, many, many people discussing their feelings on the matter and their experiences.


Read before you post.

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