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Time to Consolidate Servers???


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Yeah, I know, first we were ************ about not having enough servers and now we're doing the opposite. However, my primary on Keller's Void is unplayable on the Republic side. So I rolled another toon on the Empire side on another higher pop server and it's like night and day. There's close to 300 people on the Empire Fleet and if I'm LFG I usually get an invite in less than a minute and even then I have to decline PM invites after I group up.


Planetside things don't change. There's always 150+ on Drummond Kaas when I'm online and I'm having to decline group invites just so I can finish my solo stuff. The world feels alive again. Then when I log back on with my primary I can spam "LFG" for hours and not even get a response. I have a backlog of heroics that I've tried to do with one other person and companions with no luck. So my primary's on the bench.


I heard a rumor that the Empire vastly outnumbers Republic so this fact alone may exacerbate the situation. What say you other than, "**** you MMO n00b!" ?

Edited by Arsynic
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I feel the same way actually, except I did the opposite. I rolled a Republic on a larger server. It felt like a real MMO while my main server suffers from 10ish people in any zone you can think of including the fleet. Level 50 PvP is completely dead as there are only about five level 50s on at just about any given time.


I keep hoping people will come make characters on my server but it never goes above Light unless it's the weekend.

Edited by enkindle
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