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HoT/DoT Build for Scoundrel


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Okay, keep in mind that I'm a newbie when you read this, so don't be too harsh.


I've been playing around with the skill calculator on TorHead, and I found a build that I think would be really, really cool for PvP. The build focuses on stacking HoTs on yourself and DoTs on the enemy.


Standard Build: Much stronger damage output and energy regen, but low stealth speed/level/detection. Preferred build, for me.

Stealth Build: Boosted stealth speed, level, and detection, but at the cost of greatly increased energy regen.


This build wouldn't be a burst damage build, or a burst healing build. In stead, it would be a pressure-applied build. You should be able to keep Vital Shot up on 4-5 targets easily, and that's constantly ticking away with a 25% chance to tick twice and a high crit chance. In addition, you have Shrap Bomb ticking away on 3 targets or so at once.


At the same time you're putting DoTs on the baddies, you keep SRMP on yourself and allies. That should give you Upper Hand almost as often as is possible, because you can keep SRMP up on many targets at once. Since this build doesn't have EMP, I'd use UH on Pugnacity as soon as it cools down. After that, I'd use Blaster Volley most of the time. However, if you're focusing on one enemy, Wounding Shots would be the way to go.


Your single-target damage and healing wouldn't be incredible. You'd have trouble taking down a single enemy, and you'd only be able to delay death on an ally with focus fire on them. However, you can do large amounts of healing to yourself and your group with SRMP, and you put a lot of pressure on the enemy with lots of DoTs and AoE. Having your DoTs on many targets will mean that enemy healers will have to spread out their healing much more, making them much more vulnerable to focus fire. Also, they'll be more frantic (hopefully) and burn energy faster.


Having HoTs on you allies and DoTs on your enemies will give your team a strong advantage in any fight. If you're being constantly healed and your enemy is bleeding, it'll be much easier to kill them. This should mean that if someone on your side goes up against someone on the other side of equal skill, the player on your side wins quickly.


And finally, the standard build is great at maintaining energy. DoTs will have a high chance to crit, especially since Vital Shot ticks twice 1/4 of the time. Since you get 2 energy per crit, this should result in a lot of energy regen. Cool head is down to 90s CD, and restores 16 energy up front. Pugnacity is down to 20s CD, restores 10 energy up front, and can be used as soon as it cools down thanks to you getting UH so frequently from SRMP.



What do you guys think?

Edited by Philosomanic
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I have used that 'Standard Version' when I needed a change from my scrapper build (well before the nerf) and I enjoyed it. Great for 1 on 1 + survivability & defending points/doors. damage wasn't as good as I'd have liked but it actually requires you to play it well...unlike anyone who is even half competent could play a scrapper.
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The standard version is already being used by many with great succes. I haven't tested it myself but I would love to.


However the stealth version seems to be too unfocused and what will you spend you UH for when you niether have Sucker Punch nor Wounding Shots?

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Since this build doesn't have EMP, I'd use UH on Pugnacity as soon as it cools down. After that, I'd use Blaster Volley most of the time. However, if you're focusing on one enemy, Wounding Shots would be the way to go.




Mostly Pugnacity, for lots of power, but then Blaster Volley. AoE DPS would do more good (for the goal of this build) than wounding shots or sucker punch.


And yeah, I'm not a huge fan of the stealth build. However, the stealth upgrades would give a big advantage against other stealth classes in a 1v1. This build doesn't focus nearly as much on shooting first, but many stealth builds do. Depriving them of that first hit can only be a good thing.



I can't wait to play a Scoundrel in PvP! Seems like a great class for me, because I enjoy mixing damage and healing. (Yes, I'm only lvl 8. I've played a total of one day. Told ya I'm a newbie :p)

Edited by Philosomanic
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Did they fix Sedatives so that it didn't debuff/aggro pve mobs?


I also question taking 'Keep Cool' over 'Bedside Manner' (or anything else for that matter). 16 energy on a 90s CD equals 0.18 energy per second, assuming you use it exactly on CD, which you will never remotely do. I think it is by far one of the most over-rated skills.

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You raise a good point. However, I disagree with the math.


In reality, there are usually breaks in between fights. You're not throwing down every skill you have at all times. Sometimes battle is less intense or all the enemies nearby are dead, so you get a chance to recuperate.


And I wouldn't look at Cool Head as a way to boost total regeneration, I'd look at it as a way to pull my energy back up when it's so low that my regeneration is hurting. From that view, Keep Cool is very valuable.


That said, I think you're right; bedside manner will help more. This build is already high on energy, with lots of energy from DoTs and Pugnacity restoring up to 30 more energy per minute.

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This build is great in theory but it's extremely hard to pull off. I tried it out about a month ago and in pvp it's just too much to juggle.


Between healing, DoTing, energy management, watching objectives, and kiting savvy enemy players you'll find that you have way to much to do with not enough GCD's to do it with.

Edited by FrankyMcShanky
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I use: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#701MccMzZ0cZhrrorrMd0M.1


It works pretty well but needs a bit of tweaking still, perhaps. I've found that the extra 7 points it costs to let you get Medpac Mastery are better spent elsewhere. Whether that is on Black Market Equipment (+12% crit chance on HOTs and DOTs) or Survivor's Scars (+3% Healing Done, +9% healing received = +12% self heals) is a close call but I think I prefer SS currently as it makes staying alive when others are healing me much easier too.


I'm also a big fan of Smuggled Defences. You can have it up 50% of the time which with twin stacks of SRMP makes you shockingly resilient in 2 on 1s. For PVP, Quick Getaway and Feelin' Woozy are also both nice although Feelin' Woozy does feel wasted in PVE.

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Interesting build. Getting rid of Medpac Mastery does free up a lot of points. However, if you're going for DoTs, Open Wound looks essential, especially since you get energy from DoT crits. Maybe something a bit more like this?


Personally, though, I think I'm sticking with Medpac Mastery. I think that getting UH every 4.5-6s should make a big difference.

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Your DOTs would have to crit a LOT to keep up with the energy you'd be burning. Though you could always preload a couple HOTs before engaging.


I spend most of my time out of stealth as a DF anyway. Though those 2 GCD I'm using would cost some damage while I closed to melee.

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Yeah, the energy regen from critting DoTs isn't going to completely make up for the cost of the skill, but it should help a lot.


1.25 ticks average from Mortal Wound = 6.25 average ticks on Vital Shot.

18% crit chance from Black Market Equipment and No Holds Barred.

2 energy per crit



(0.18 + [Crit]) * 6.25 * 2 = 2.25 + (12.5* [Crit])



So, on average, each use of Vital Shot will cost 13.75 energy with a 0% crit rating. I'm not experienced enough with this game to say what a good base crit is, so I'm going to assume 15% from gear and 5% from Lucky Shots. With that crit rating, Vital Shot only costs 10.25 energy, which is really cheap.


Shrap Bomb should do even better if you hit all 3 people with it.



The DoTs won't actually restore your power, but they'll be really cheap to cast. Add Pugnacity, Cool Head, and your energy regen into the mix, and you should be able to keep up a near-constant stream of Vital Shots and Shrap Bombs. In theory, anyways.

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As a Smuggler, your base Crit should be around 40% - much higher than 15%! Well, that's at Level 50 but that's about where mine is before the skill bonuses which don't show on the stats page - about half of ticks should crit as a minimum. Even so, with multiple SRMPs, Shrap Bomb effecting multiple targets and several Vital Shots up I should be getting lots of energy from Fighting Spirit but... frankly, I still am always taxed for energy.
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I was excited about this build too and did abuot 10 respecs testing different talents. Great in theory, bad in practice.


I tried in both PVE and PVP for a couple of weeks, I was crap at both healing and damage roles because I was consistently out of energy.

Edited by TrikkiOne
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I was excited about this build too and did abuot 10 respecs testing different talents. Great in theory, bad in practice.


I tried in both PVE and PVP for a couple of weeks, I was crap at both healing and damage roles because I was consistently out of energy.


You have to be careful with managing your energy but it is possible. You need to know when to burn it down and when not to. Generally if it will finish a fight, do it then DA if necessary while it recoups. Or in hectic PVP defenses just burn down, dot like crazy, die and then when you respawn you can do the same again. A bit crazy, but I've held Turrets in Civil War 2 v 5 like that for long periods.

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