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Ilum PvP quests - Make them into area objectives?


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I'm sure everyone has noticed a massive lag spike every time an area changes faction control in Ilum. Is this because the zone mechanics are poorly coded or could it be that a quest updates for 50+ people all at the same time?


In any case, the overview we are currently given of Ilum is severly lacking at the moment. Fills up the quest log and is somewhat poor for quick reference. Also clutters the screen uncessearily. Would it perhaps be possible to make these into area objects that are just present at the top of your screen as it is done in many, many other games?


Might help the lag spike issue, might not, I don't have inside information on what's causing that, but I do think that area objectives for everyone is far prefferable to 5 quests which don't really make any sense. Improves the overview, clears up your screen, there really aren't any backsides to this. Shouldn't be extremely hard to implement either.

Edited by Crowleyz
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