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Twinkies with dual lightsabers


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I may get banned for this, I hope not...


Bioware....PLEASE, for God sakes PLEASE fix the damn jedi knight sentinal, specifically the middle tree. Dual wielding melee fighters are my favorite class to play no matter what game their in.


I thought you said that you should be able to solo any mission? I am not a bad player and im also not an elite player. I like things to be challenging but not impossible. I have a lvl 50 Sentinal (middle tree specked) dps. I have had to get the help of friends and guildies several times just to take out at lvl and 2 lvl's below me Elite end bosses and their mobs.


You need to give us a healing ability, we dont get Doc until close to the end of the game and even then its not enough and you give us 2 companions in one lvl (41 or 42 I dont remember?)...WTH. You have to run Doc because the sentinal doesnt put out enough dps to kill your enemies without any self healing ability. I think I've died approx. 75 times so far from being overwhelmed by mobs.


You need to give us a nock back crowd control...self explanatory.


You need to increase the off hand damage and the frequency of crits proccing. You must make our instants instants not "let me warm up before i actually attack". speed up the animation of our attacks especially Master Strike. It needs to be a flowing attack not an...Let me complete the first half of the attack...stop...rare back...stop...then do a slow motion double side saber strike. It would be so much better to have the sentinal go into an immediate and "fast" left hand pirouette, stricking with both sabers or something like that...almost anything would be better. A perfect example is the number of attacks and the speed of the attacks that a doubleend lightsaber wielder gets...make us even but not by dumbing down the doubleended lightsaber wielder


Making us a little tougher, defensive or a higher armor class would go along way but would only be a start.


You have created the best MMO i have ever played. I have never played a Star Wars game until this one...I left DDO to play this game and have no intentions of going back.


I am not asking you to make them more powerful than the other classes but only to balance them out...they desperately need polishing. I am parking my lvl 50 DPS sentinal on his ship and am only using him for crafting and never making another jedi until this situation is fixed. I will create a DPS trooper and just blow **** up...but i wont really be happy til I'm able to swing two lightsabers and live to brag about it.


Sentinals are the splattered bugs on the windshield of the TOR universe...and if you dont have a windshield their the splattered bugs on your teeth



Help us middle tree dual wielding sentinals out PLEEEEAAAASSSSEEEE

Edited by dapixelassassin
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