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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Just respec dirty fighting as scoundrel...oh wait, it sucks unless your gunslinger


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What are the chances of gunslingers getting nerfed next? :(


The sudden increase in the # of GS may have the dev believe in we are OP...


Gunslingers aren't all that awesome, we do alright. DF has been the most effective spec for me in pvp, however, I am easily countered by any person bright enough to cleanse my dots.

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DF rocks, dunno why people think it sucks.

I'm always topping damage. 9/10 matches, and always in top 3 otherwise unless I get stuck defending. Top 5 in kills and still capping things.


4.5 second cleanse<instant cast vital shot

Let em cleanse and waste a GCD, means they aren't DPSing or healing, gives time for your interrupt to come off cool down as well.

Edited by Entropicus
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