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What is a Dark side point, Exactly?


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I think everyone can agree that it makes sense to have dark side / light side points to somehow quantify exactly how naughty or nice you've been. Santa probably uses the same system.


However, I wonder how our friends at Bioware decided this apparently arbitrary scale for good and evil. Sure, it makes since that if stealing from a random moister farmer on Tatooine gets you 50 dark side points and killing the moisture farmer gets you 100 dark side points, then apparently murder is exactly twice as evil as theft. But if this is the case, why not just make theft one point and murder two points?


You might say that it's possible to get less than 50 points with a single decision and it's good to keep an integer number so it's (somehow) not as confusing. That's fair enough, but in that case I'd expect there to be some minimum that at some point someone decided "this is the least evil thing you could possibly do while still being evil". I've yet to find such a "quantum of evil".


Please post here with your speculation about what could possibly be this quantum of evil (or good). How many times would you have to do this thing to be as evil as someone who killed a man in cold blood, or destroyed a whole planet?

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