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Nerf tracer missle now


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You prove my point. You ignore the argument on not every class has a decent ranged interrupt with a totally irrelevant point. You fail to say why a boring single button spam should be as effective as it is. Clearly you are a spammer.


My point was that if you aren't doing anything about it, of course you die. It's the same deal no matter which ranged class turns its attention to you. Not every class has a ranged interrupt, no. A ranged interrupt isn't the only way to deal with it. Some classes have gap closers, some have the ability to stealth and there's often a LoS point nearby that can be utilized, causing the player to shift their focus to someone else, and for you to move in on them. If you're caught out in the open fighting someone else while a ranged decides to attack you, it's effectively a 2v1, and you should be in trouble in such a case. If you're caught out in the open alone, it's your fault for being positioned as such.


I don't have any issues dealing with Grav/Tracer on my mara, such spammers are generally free kills. We have a plethora of people of trying to claim it does massive damage, when it doesn't. They'll talk about it being hard to deal with when multiple Mercs are focusing them, which is a nobrainer.


People have now tried to position the argument to the one button being too simple, but the entire tree is built around its use, and the only suggestions they often come with to adjust the skill don't take the rest of the tree into account. People clamor that it shouldn't be that way, but they offer no solid suggestions as to how it should be changed, because they have no idea how to redesign an entire skill tree, which is essentially what needs to be done, because it certainly isn't tracer damage that's an issue, it's that every good thing about the tree rests on the somewhat repeated use of Tracer.


I don't even care much about the tree anymore, I don't use it, because it really isn't a very good PvP tree. I just have a hard time taking these threads seriously anymore because they are oft so full of misinformation, straight up lies and perpetuated by people who are terrible. And they are terrible. I am an average player in terms of PvP, not some elite pro. I find Tracer/Grav to be one of the least threatening things to face in a WZ because it's so easy to deal with, and has been on all my alts so far, perhaps because LoS and interrupting is so ingrained into my playstyle from my years playing WoW.


A bad tracer/grav spammer will generally win against a bad player of any other class, but when both players are actually decent, the grav/tracer is generally at a disadvantage due to being so reliant on an interruptable ability that roots them in place while they use it. I don't really think we should be balancing around terrible players, but hey, that's just my opinion.

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sorry, I wasn't really thinking of splitting seconds..I remember TM being roughly 1.47 seconds? so..I rounded up..My bad..Although the meat of my post still stands. You're allowing someone to stand still for 4.5 seconds?(as opposed to six?)

You can't figure out the direction of a TM and move away? Ive gone up toe to toe straight deeps on a fellow BH..sometimes I won..sometimes I lost..and it depended entirely on my rotation as compared to theirs. (oh and my health and their health went down alot slower than if I had been up against say a good Jugg..or a good sorc..or an op class.)


Are you saying no other class has instas?


P.S. when I actually DO pull off our ranged stun (concussion missile) I am amazed I was able to do it.(feels like it takes forever to cast)

Edited by Ticklepink
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Yes nerf a 3.5k shield a cloth class uses. Sure, give me heavy armor and ill be for it.


Nope, you get nothing to compensate for it since no one besides a couple of Mercs have bothered to try and talk about a compromise and/or tweak since TM is the core ability in Arsenal that ALL other abilites rely on to support our role as DPS.

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I'm just stating facts. Noobs defending TM/GR need to seroiusly play any other class to know that they are broken.


On the flip side, you noobs crying for TM nerf need to play an Arsenal Merc to 50 to see how reliant that class is on TM and that TM is not the core issue. Lack of situational awareness is not our classes fault. We're designed to do damage from range.

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On the flip side, you noobs crying for TM nerf need to play an Arsenal Merc to 50 to see how reliant that class is on TM and that TM is not the core issue. Lack of situational awareness is not our classes fault. We're designed to do damage from range.


Again you're not addressing the issue.


Compare to other classes main skill, TM is broken.


How to fix TM


* Increase Heat to 20 Like other class skills

* Change damage to PHYSICAL So it can be deflected like other class skills

* Does not reduce armor Like other Class Skills



Try playing Sniper/Gunslinger before you say TM is fine as it is.

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Google - Poisoning the Well. You can thank me later for giving you a lesson on Logic and fallacious reasoning.


Doesn't apply. You poisoned your own well when you chose that name - not to mention that I'm saying your arguments are wrong on account of your wilful ignorance, bias, and failure to do any valid research. But hey, feel free to continue with the wikipedia rhetoric.


Also, 'logic' is not capitalised in a standard sentence. You can thank me later for giving you a lesson in basic grammar.

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I think what the problem is..Snipers are finally doing the dieing end instead of the killing end. Ive killed more snipers since patch than since launch.


Sometimes I don't even attack a sniper because i feel bad. In a huttball match I took one down to half health and just walked away, popped my shield, and hoped he thought I was scared. God bless those little guys.

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we had a guy in guild who was a fresh 50..mostly greens..sniper..rolled with us in Huttball..topped dps..topped medals.etc.


Most of us are champs if not Battle masters. He did the same in Civil War.


I've seen the chit chat amongst snipers in ops. "Im STILL getting them down below half health hahaha lulz"


Cmon..that didn't need a nerf?:p

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I'm just stating facts. Noobs defending TM/GR need to seroiusly play any other class to know that they are broken.


noobs who play other classes should stop making excuses because they suck and died to someone spamming 1 skill. It's like you never learned all those years ago when you used to lose in mortal kombat when all the kid did was keep sweeping you. I have never just sat and spammed Grav Round as it is useless without following it up with Demolition Round, High Impact Bolt, Full Auto. Plus I also have an AOE rotation I use when the situation presents itself. But 1 vs 1 you get a whole lot of

Power Stim, Expertise Adrenal, Crit/surge relic Grav Round Grav Round Grav Round Demolition Round High Impact Bolt Full Auto.


And If you just stand there and trade with me you deserve to die. Don't be a Noob L2P. Dont stand there and take my full rotation

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we had a guy in guild who was a fresh 50..mostly greens..sniper..rolled with us in Huttball..topped dps..topped medals.etc.


Most of us are champs if not Battle masters. He did the same in Civil War.


I've seen the chit chat amongst snipers in ops. "Im STILL getting them down below half health hahaha lulz"


Cmon..that didn't need a nerf?:p


How can pure dps top something with medals? Every single class with guard/taunt will top wz with medals.


Stop lying please.

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I gotta say, getting through 42 pages of this ridiculousness made me feel like I should get a cookie at the end.


I'm a merc. I have played all three specs fully. Of all three specs, Pyro absolutely DESTROYS arsenal in not only dps, but in survivability and utility. Arsenal mercs are the "easymodes" and (for the most part) the players that don't actually know their class all that well. I actually find them MUCH easier to kill than the Powertechs and the other merc classes. All that aside, guess what role I play?




As a healing BH, with NO interrupt, I can destroy an Arsenal Merc or a Pyro Merc 1v1 almost EVERY SINGLE TIME.


You are always going to find a class that is hard for you to beat. For me, it's a good Marauder/Sent because of their ability to constantly slow and interrupt me. Is it impossible for me to beat them? Nope. Hard? Yup.


I'm sorry, but if someone has to position themselves in a specific place on the map in order to get an "unfair" advantage on you, that doesn't scream nerf. Your tactics are in question. Your TEAM is in question. Why in the world are the people who can control those guys not up there dealing with the problem?


My pvp team never runs with an arsenal merc..heck, they hardly run with any mercs aside from me doing my heal thing - but we win almost every time.


I just think all the kids are lost without their macros and mods telling them how to play.

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Got one of each at low level thanks for the tip though. Now go play a merc and pass out some more advice.


I did roll a Mercenary since BioWare designed this game around them. The FIRST pvp match I join I do 360k damage:




I even made a thread about your OP class:



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