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Question about Master Strike


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Hey guys, quick question. When I first got master strike, once I activated it, it would stun the mob for the duration of the attack. They didn't attack me during it, just stood there swaying in pain. Note that this only worked on normal / "weak" mobs. It was like that for quite a few levels.


Now this could be coincidence, but I think that all changed when i put a skill point into the skill that says something along the lines of "Master strike will disable the enemy 50% of the time". Not sure on the exact wording. Once I put a point into that, ,master strike only stunned them half the time. Once I put ANOTHER point into that, it hasn't stunned them since. They attack me freely while I'm doing my attack.


I've asked in my server's general chat for answers to this, but no body knew so I thought I'd ask here.


My guess is maybe it stops the mob from being able to move but not attack? Could someone clear this up for me? I'm sorry if it's been asked already, new to the forum. Thanks in advance.




EDIT: DARNIT! I did it again. I promise I wont post a thread from now on unless I comb through the entire forum. I'm sorry. Again.

Edited by mavsynchroid
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