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Undercurrents - Sodalicium's guild backstory


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Part 1



“There’s nothing left to say, Amerenth, You’ve failed us, and I can’t protect you anymore.” The silence following the corpulent old man’s comment was almost ridiculed by the amount of noise outside the semiprivate alcove. The gaunt, tan Zabrak to whom the man had spoken cradled his horned head in trembling hands. “I did everything you asked…” His voice contained all his last strength and pride. He spoke the truth. “Sometimes things don’t go according to plan, and all that is left to do for your Empire is to die with your secrets intact.”


Their voices harshened as the argument escalated, until both men were so oblivious to their surroundings, that neither noticed the blue-skinned dancer girl slowly edging closer and closer, seemingly lost in the trance of her dancing, and neither man noticed her quick hand movements as she arched over their table, one leg pointed towards the ceiling, in a move rarely attempted by other dancers than flexible Twi’lek slaves. Nor did anyone notice when the same dancer collapsed in a corner on the far side of the crowded cantina, hands firmly on the floor until the room stopped spinning.


“I recorded everything for you, Cipher. And I got the Spice before he could use it. The bounty hunter will live.” She kept her voice as mellow as she could as she talked to her old friend. It wouldn’t do if someone noticed her now. “Good, then all you need to do is retrieve the target.” “Sir –“ Loud commotion rose the young Chiss to her feet before she could answer. Before she could think, she had crossed the cantina floor, and found herself outside the alcove yet again.


The Zabrak’s clawlike hands were locked in a firm grip around the old human’s fleshy neck, and his teeth were exposed in a hateful sneer. But the man collapsed prematurely, his heavy frame sagging towards the floor. The dancer quickly retrieved the needle, but not quick enough to go unnoticed. “What did you do?” The Zabrak’s sneer was all for her, now. “Nothing he wouldn’t do to you.” She pulled him towards the exit before he could object, and they entered the stormy night air of Dromund Kaas.


“Who are you” Amerenth’s yellow eyes pierced her as she pushed him into the passenger seat of an old speeder. “I work for intelligence.” “You’re an agent?” His eyebrows lifted in surprise as he took in her entire appearance, from the long, jet black hair to her scant dancer’s attire, more an elaborate set of jewellery than clothing. “No. But I work for one, and I’m taking you to him now. He needs your help, Zur Amerenth.”


As they entered the Imperial Intelligence’s offices in Kaas City, the Chiss motioned for Amerenth to follow behind her, while adopting a casual posture. She had covered her dancer’s outfit with a dark coloured jacket and uniform trousers, and was as inconspicuous as her blue skin and glowing red eyes allowed her to be.


Noise from the Cipher’s office made her stop in the corridor outside, pushing the Zabrak against the wall in one of the many nooks and crannies of the dark, sterile building. A blaster shot made her squirm against Amerenth’s shoulder. then another one, then silence, followed by the footsteps of two men. The pair of aliens held their breath as two high ranking officers of the Empire walked past them. As soon as they were outside of earshot, the Chiss leapt from her hiding place and ran towards the door of her master.


“Tavrik! No!” She shook his limp frame again and again, felt for his pulse and breath but found nothing but a mouthful of blood and the blaster wounds of a precise execution. As she rose slowly to her feet, Amerenth realised he was facing a child. The man on the floor was no mere employer. He reached for a datapad on a nearby desk, and shoved it into her hands. “You were only here for this.” Then he wiped away her tears and pulled her away from the scene, carefully avoiding any attention until they were outside the building. “I think I know what’s going on here.”


They sat behind the benches of the arena of the Mandalorian Enclave; the only place all cameras were decidedly pointed away from them. A curvy woman with a shock of purple hair had brought them beverages. Amerenth moved closer, looking into her glowing red eyes. “So, what’s your name, then, pet? You seem to have known mine for a while.” “Alaevi’Nyatwe’Edlena”, she said, with a faint smile. The Zabrak let out a roaring laughter and was joined by a fellow bounty hunter that held guard close to them. “Quite a mouthful!” She nodded. “You can call me Vinya.” “All right, Vinya.” He ruffled her hair. “You’re going to have to crop this mane, if my plan is to work. You need to look a bit more presentable.” She gave him a stern stare. “And what is this plan of yours?” He feigned a hurtful look for the sarcasm in her voice, obviously not fooling his companion, who was bursting with laughter yet again. “Vinya, this is Adfectio. He’s helped me fabricate certain… files of interest and placed them on this.” He held out the datapad he had retrieved in Tavrik’s office.


“Your boss was one of the good guys, Vinya. One of the few, at that. He wanted me for information I had regarding the Sith Council’s recent activities. I feel him, I do, having just been attempted murdered by an old Sith myself. One that, I might add, in turn found himself killed by you. That puts you in a bit of an awkward position, except for one small detail.” He held her gaze in his. “No one knows this, but me. And you, dear Vinya, are going to find others that know, and oppose, what’s happening within the Empire, using this.” He handed her a small chip. “This is the truth, what your Cipher wanted me for. That,” he pointed towards the datapad, “Is the fabricated events that, though you won’t like them, will get you a new position as an Agent, on their side, and let you work from within to avenge your boss. Now, go with Saria here, she will prepare you for anything they might throw at you”


Vinya clung to the datapad and chip as she got to her feet with clumsy movements. Her eyes flickered from one to the next between the three bounty hunters in front of her. “Why are you doing this for me?” She asked in a low voice. “Because,” Amerenth straightened his shoulders, and darkness clouded his yellow eyes. “Because I know what it is, to want revenge.”



Hi all, This was the first "chapter" of the short story Undercurrents, which is currently 12 pages long. The rest can be read on our guild site here: http://sodalicium.sytes.net/?page_id=218

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  • 2 weeks later...

Undercurrents, part 2


The dark eyed Cipher agent tapped his fingers on the smooth surface of his desk as the holo recording came to an end. For long moments, the erratic tapping was the only thing breaking the pressing silence. Vinya held her breath to avoid squirming in the cold seat across from the towering man. “Impressive, for a mere minion. I commend you, truly. Going against your master is not traditionally a particularly efficient way to rise in ranks within Intelligence.” He gave her a stark smile, more of a smirk than anything else. “But clearly you made the right choice. It makes sense, really, come to think of it. The old sith warrior, his Lord was quite unaffected by his death, claimed he had no idea why he was there. Not much of a Sith, by any measure, so the label of defector is quite believable in this case.”


Vinya nodded slowly, hiding her dismay with the holorecording she had just seen behind a fake air of professional indifference. The bounty hunter had been brilliant indeed, creating a complex web of evidence supporting the theory that she had been sent to meet with the Sith in order to give him sensitive intelligence information against the Sith Council, that she had chosen to gather evidence against Tavrik instead upon realising his intentions, and that Amerenth was the one to kill the Sith traitor; Believable evidence supporting her loyalty not only to Imperial Intelligence, but to the Sith as well. Now all that remained to be seen was whether or not this Cipher agent, the murderer of her mentor through the last few years, would take the bait.


The Cipher scanned through the information stored on the datapad. “These are schedules for the last six months, for ships belonging to several high profile Sith Lords and council men, this was the information you were sent to deliver? It looks innocent enough to for delivery to the footman of a Sith Lord, how did you guess – “ “He always told me the Sith stood in the way of the Empire’s glory. When he talked about our leaders as parasites, it wasn’t hard to guess.” Vinya stripped her voice of emotion, giving the tall, broad shouldered man a cold stare. “hmm.” His fingertips trailed the edges of his armrests as he got to his feet and started towards the door. “Stay, I’ll only be a minute.” Vinya gripped the sides of her seat, pressing against the rage she felt at the entire situation. “Stay calm” she muttered breathlessly. She was so tired, empty after all the focus she had put into maintaining a cold, indifferent outward appearance.




He did not return. In his place, a sharp-featured man entered the room. “Vinya Tweedle,” The sound of her adopted Basic name seared down her spine, spoken in a rusty, breathful voice. “This does not erase the fact that we know your secrets, young Chiss. You were deemed too unstable to serve as an agent, but we’re willing to give you a chance, seeing as you are clearly able to keep yourself composed enough to use your abilities without supervision. You will submit to testing, follow orders to the letter and report directly to Keeper himself. If you do this, and you do it right, you will have your own ship soon enough. Do I make myself clear, Agent? Oh, and one last thing. That bounty hunter… He’ll be your first assignment.”


Vinya collapsed onto the sofa in her small apartment far below the Citadel in the deep gorge of Kaas City. Keeper had been surprisingly humane for a high ranking member of Imperial Intelligence, A man of simple efficiency; the kind of man the Empire benefited from having in charge of its most vital field agents. She could work with him. She could tell he wouldn’t object to her methods, even when they differed from those of most Agents. But even he wouldn’t let her ignore a direct order. How would she deal with Amerenth? She fingered the data chip, now in a chain around her neck; there was no safe place to store it. She’d had no time to look at its contents.


There was no holo recording. Only a voice file. “If you’re hearing this, great job, I mean it. You just played the Imperial Intelligence like a nalargon! I know I’ve made myself a prime target for the Imperials, but I have faith, because I know what Agent they’ll send to catch me. It’s all been sorted already, but before that you’ll have to find me, Vinya, and I enjoy a good hunt! You know where to start. For now, though, we have another hunt to initiate as well. This is all the data I have about the Undercurrent, as my Sith employer called it. These people are the ones your Tavrik sought, and they are everywhere. If you can find them, they will be your greatest asset. Chances are you’ll only need to find one…” The holo pad lit up with starcharts, files and planet maps, rogue recordings from various places, more or less untraceable. But someone had made an effort, and that someone had succeeded well enough to constitute a trace.


The stormy skies cast shifting shadows on the massive citadel building. Vinya pulled her jacket over her head to shield her jet black hair from the ever-falling rain. The entrance to the Mandalorian Enclave was not far. She was almost at the entrance when someone reached for her arm. Whirling around, she found herself looking into the now very angry face of Adfectio the Bounty Hunter. Startled, she took a few steps backwards, away from his menacing posture. She had taken note of every person, every footstep in her vicinity, how could she possibly have missed him? He bridged the distance between them in two steps, and grabbed her arm, pulling her away into the shadows.


“Why are you here, are you mad? You can’t be here! You’ll be seen, they’re everywhere! How can you jeopardise everything Amerenth –“ “Jeopardise?” She glared at him angrily, “You’re the one jeopardising everything! Don’t you think Amerenth knew they’d send me after him? I’m doing what they asked, what he predicted, and you’re the one walking up to me in plain sight!” She thanked fate once again for her species’ glowing red eyes, blurring her shifting stare for any non Chiss observer. She was not in control, however much she wanted him to believe it. “He left.” The bounty hunter loosened his rough grip around her arm. His frame shrank noticeably as he lowered his shoulders. “He left and wouldn’t say a word about why or where, and then there’s this.” He nudged the wristguard on his forearm, bringing up a holographic projection of Amerenth’s face with a large reward circling in bold letters. “You failed him. He saved you and you failed to return the favour. I don’t know what he saw in you, you’re nothing but a ditzy child!” Bitterness made his voice break. This man lived by a certain code, one in which you return the favour when someone’s got your back. “No. I didn’t fail him. Everything’s playing out the only way it could. They just made sure I’d have competition!”


Vinya left the startled bounty hunter and started towards the Enclave once again. She muttered, more to herself than him, “They just want to push me to the limit. And my only option is succeeding.” She walked up to the Enclave guards with a confident stride. “Move aside, pawns, I’m with Imperial Intelligence, and you’re in my way.”

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