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I like the Difficulty


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At, first I was a little underwhelmed by Sentinel and I was a little upset at how complex our mechanics are in comparison to other classes (cough*tracer missile*cough).


Then, I started thinking about it from a lore perspective. How many Jedi in the star wars universe used two light sabers with the same level of skill and effectiveness they used one?


It stands to reason that the developers sat down and thought about each class and how they should play from a Star Wars lore perspective. If you look at the complexity of our class from this point of view, it makes perfect sense.


I mean, yeah it sucks that Bounty Hunters can spam tracer missile and still be effective, but how far from Star Wars reality is that? Isn't that all the iconic Bounty Hunters did? Shoot missiles and occasionally use their blasters.


That said, I still think we could use a little love in the form of a stun or a push/pull ability. But, I do not think the core mechanics of the class should change. Dual wielding light sabers should be reserved for the most skilled combatants in the galaxy.

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