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Imperial Space Missions Guide


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Here I will give all the space ship missions and what each one gives for credits, commendations and experience.


This chart is for anyone @ level 49 or below. Each Mission does give different amounts of experience at lower levels than at lvl 49. I used level 49 as the 'end base' amount for ease of making this table.


At level 49, these are the total 'reward' amounts you will acquire:


- 58,890 Total Credits

- 100 Total Commendations

- 92,210 Total Experience + 5-50 Exp per kill


The only exception of course is at level 50 there is no more experience. Commendations and Credits stay the same @ level 50


Lower level character rewards and number of space missions will be different.


Just a FYI @ level 48 you get your last mission which is Ascendancy Pride.

Space Mission--------------Credits-------------Commendations--------------Experience


*Operation Echo Quake* 1,584 Credits--- 5 Commendations--- 5 Experience + 5-50 Exp per kill

Cartel Listening Post--- 330 Credits--- 1 Commendations--- 5 Experience + 5-50 Exp per kill


Saleucami Fleet Action--- 330 Credits--- 1 Commendations--- 5 Experience + 5-50 Exp per kill



*Operation Silent Roar* 860 Credits--- 4 Commendations--- 5 Experience + 5-50 Exp per kill

Jabiim Escort--- 330 Credits--- 1 Commendations--- 5 Experience + 5-50 Exp per kill



*Operation Eternal Domain* 1,885 Credits 6 Commendations 5 Experience + 5-50 Exp per kill


Nez Peron Sweep--- 645 Credits--- 1 Commendations--- 5 Experience + 5-50 Exp per kill


Sarapin Assault--- 645 Credits--- 1 Commendations--- 5 Experience + 5-50 Exp per kill



*Operation Molten Splinter* 3,090 Credits--- 7 Commendations--- 5 Experience + 5-50 Exp per kill

Taspan Ambush--- 1,413 Credits--- 1 Commendations--- 5 Experience + 5-50 Exp per kill


Ezram Outpost--- 1,413 Credits--- 3 Commendations--- 5 Experience + 5-50 Exp per kill



*Operation Rising Fury* 4,068 Credits--- 8 Commendations--- 14,790 Experience + 5-50 Exp per kill

Skaross Fortification--- 2,227 Credits--- 3 Commendations--- 5 Experience + 5-50 Exp per kill


Muggar Ice Field--- 2,227 Credits--- 3 Commendations--- 5 Experience + 5-50 Exp per kill



*Operation Sweeping Menace* 5,196 Credits--- 9 Commendations--- 16,410 Experience + 5-50 Exp per kill

Polith Minefield--- 3,247 Credits--- 3 Commendations--- 5,275 Experience + 5-50 Exp per kill

Sullust Interception--- 3,247 Credits--- 3 Commendations--- 5,275 Experience + 5-50 Exp per kill



*Operation Raging Dawn* 5,360 Credits--- 10 Commendations--- 12,870 Experience + 5-50 Exp per kill


*Space Combat: Aeten Defense* 4,020 Credits--- 5 Commendations--- 5,790 Experience + 5-50 Exp per kill

*Space Combat: Clouds of Vondoru* 4,020 Credits--- 5 Commendations--- 5,790 Experience + 5-50 Exp per kill



*Operation Ascendant Pride* 7,848 Credits--- 15 Commendations--- 19,635 Experience + 5-50 Exp per kill


Space Combat: Ascendant Barrier 4,905 Credits--- 5 Commendations--- 6,310 Experience + 5-50 Exp per kill



58,890 Total Credits-------100 Total Commendations-------92,210 Total Experience + 5-50 Exp per kill


I had to make this offsite link as they do not allow for a table type post. Feel free to drag and drop this image to your own desktop for ease of viewing.





The Skaross Fortification Space mission, the 1st time you run it will give you a Grade 4 Beam Charger with 65 damage per shot and adds 50 toughness to your ship.


*Space Combat: Aeten Defense*, the 1st time you run it gives you Rendii Hyperworks Beam Generator with 10 shots per second and 25 extra shield absorption.

Edited by Moulinrogue
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