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Sith vs Empire


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You must be confused by the title, so let me explain.


I started an IA, I naturally planned for him to have a chip on his shoulder about being told what to do from a Sith. I was on hutta, speaking to the "keeper" through a holo terminal, i'm not quite sure which quest it was but he mentioned my progress being looked over by Darth Jadus.


I chose to give a smug remark and the keeper replied in the usual manor of paying respect and watching my words, but he also said something about the Empire "Biding its time" which got me thinking, Does the Empire, or atleast the higher ranking officers see the Sith the same way the Sith see's the imperials, tools to just be used?


It's on secret the Sith are using the Empire as a tool for it's goals, do the Imprials see the Sith as a neccesary evil, and if so what would happen say they do defeat the Republic and all other seperatist forces? Could the saying "The enemy of my enemy is my friend?"

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My thinking is this:


A) They are manipulating the situation in such a way that neither the Jedi NOR their Sith "masters" can see(and THAT would be saying something; being able to hide sabotage of the Sith, from the very Emperor himself), to bring this war to a mutually beneficial, and agreeable end.




B) They are ready to side with the winner, either making themselves useful to the Republic by becoming the final straw to break the Sith's back, or by holding back just enough support for the Sith(knowledge is power, so they'll deprive Sith of some of it), making sure the Sith will lose(without taking the Empire down with them). Or staying with the status quo and taking the abuse of the Sith once again.

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Option B stands out the most in my mind as to what the Empire would do, that, is just brilliant, truly. If that was the case i'd be very impressed lol. You mentioned something I oversaw though. How would they keep the Emperor and the council, ultimately the seat of the Empires thoughts, ideas, propoganda in the dark.


I suppose it would be possible, hush hush on the Empire officials side, would be tough i'd imagine. I can't see the Empire and its denizens siding with the Republic though, they are ultimately THE main target, I can see them using or trying to use the Jedi though. Playing the political game. At anyrate, if this was to happen. As Empire or Republic players, who would you side with? And why.

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From what I've seen of Imperial Intelligence tactics and capabilities, they could induce a form of amnesia in "volunteers" just after implanting trigger words to release directives. Then, these "sleeper cells", who didn't even know what they did(or will do), in-act the plan at just the right time, in just the right place. Think of it like a type of "Order: 66", to bypass any type of Force "scans".


"It's easy to tell a lie, when you don't know the truth."


"The perfect saboteur, is someone who doesn't even know it."


Then again, maybe I'm either overestimating II's capabilities, or it's intelligence.


Edit: Is it just me, or would that plan mean the Imperials would have out-Sithed the Sith?

Edited by WildSide
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