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Shadow Tank


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There has been a megathread of over 371 posts devoted to this question in this very forum, and I can tell you definitively that, for a tank, Endurance is the least important stat you can have. Mitigation stats (Defense, Shield, Absorb) are the most important, offensive stats (Willpower, Power, Crit, Crit) are substantially less so, and Endurance is pretty much worthless. The reasons for this are multitudinous but, suffice it to say, that *everything* you get has endurance on it and that the Endurance you get from getting *any* gear is more than enough for whatever purpose you might have.


Queue Arbegla coming in spouting inaccurate and poorly framed numbers coupled with misrepresented tidbits of information attempting to claim that you do want to stack Endurance even though I've repeatedly proven him blatantly wrong.

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I agree with Kitru. Willpower is your main stat after defense, shield, absorb. The reason being is we are a damage tank and the willpower allows us to keep aggro (just ask my jedi guardian friend who I repeatedly pull aggro from even when he has me guarded (I do it for fun btw I could easily not pull aggro but i like tanking and he takes all the fun=) )


Don't get me wrong, endurance helps but don't just stack that for the sake of stacking. I am level 47, undergeared, and still have 13500 hps, with just my buff alone so we don't lack for hps.


Our goal as shadows seems to avoid being hit. If we are hit we absorb using our shields. On top of that we heal ourselves with the combat techniques, harness shadows and battle readiness. Then we also debuff income damage with slow time and increase defense (in a round about way) with force breach. We also increase our shield chance with kinetic ward.


We make some really complicated, but fun, tanks. Long story short (defense>shield>absorb)>willpower>endurance in my opinion. but balance it. If you are losing health too fast and doing a lot of damage maybe take more endurance if you are taking too long to kill things but you barely see your health move take more will power. You have to play it by ear.


PS We are aweful AoE tanks. So it isn't you if you are wondering why you hps drop so fast when pulling groups. Blame it on Kinetic Ward's Charge system. Just watch it disappear as you are attack multiple times in short bursts.

Edited by Crazybobo
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not to be rude kitru but your attitude on the whole endurance thing is a little off from how it comes across.


i mean you make it sound like we have to choose between having endurance and defense stats as if they were mutually exclusive. the same gear that has defense stats also has high endurance. the only time you have to make a choice that i can think of right now is 2 situations:


1. augment slots, you can choose between 22-28 of a defense stat or endurance

2. relics, because for some reason tank relics have power instead of all end like the dps relics



anyway i think the OP was asking a more simplified question of say... which armoring type to use, force wielder vs resolve in which case it'd be the ones with more endurance

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1. augment slots, you can choose between 22-28 of a defense stat or endurance

2. relics, because for some reason tank relics have power instead of all end like the dps relics


1. High end raiding gear does not have augment slots.

2. The click on the T2 relic is a defense rating of 355.

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i mean you make it sound like we have to choose between having endurance and defense stats as if they were mutually exclusive. the same gear that has defense stats also has high endurance. the only time you have to make a choice that i can think of right now is 2 situations:


1. augment slots, you can choose between 22-28 of a defense stat or endurance

2. relics, because for some reason tank relics have power instead of all end like the dps relics


Actually, if you paid attention to the mod situation for gear, you'd realize exactly how wrong you are.


First off, while we might not, at the moment, be able to switch out armoring on tier armor (or any epic armor) the devs have explicitly stated that they are going to be changing this in the near future. Since armoring is the most obvious direct exchange of primary stat to Endurance, this means that it *will* be a substantive consideration (and, while leveling, it *is* a substantive consideration since you always have the choice between multiple armoring types when selecting them from rewards).


Secondly, there *is* a direct relationship for mod and enhancement slots. For Mods, the standard variant has the least endurance, a moderate amount of the primary stat, and the most of the tank stat. Simply check out these; the stats are in direct contention when deciding which mod to use. For Enhancements, there are those that have a large amount of both tank stats with little Endurance and those that have lots of Endurance and 1 tank stat with little of the second tank state. Simply compare Immunity with Bastion.


The only way that you could honestly believe that Endurance isn't directly contradictory to other stats is if you aren't well educated about the mod system. In *every* slot, you have the choice to make a decision that weighs Endurance against tank stats and/or your primary stat.

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1. High end raiding gear does not have augment slots.

2. The click on the T2 relic is a defense rating of 355.


ya... exactly the point... you have little reason to respond... those are examples of the few exceptions and since only really the crafted gear has augment slots that means it's a small exception... which exactly what i was saying. and i wouldn't have called the relic a tank relic if i didn't know it had defense stats on it. noooo duh, why you think i'm wearing 2 of them. you're trying to fight my argument by supporting my point.




and kitru... you realize torhead has a lot of OLD data that isn't useful anymore right. i know plenty about how mods, enhancements and armoring works. you miss the point entirely. tank mods... have tank stats... and higher endurance... than dps mods.... simple fact. there might be small variations in the exact mod you're using, but the tank mods are still going to have higher endurance than the dps mods. so there's little choice in the matter.


the fact that you posted this is exactly what i was saying to you. it's not your math that's wrong, its your attitude on the matter as a whole. you're getting very worked up about a very simple point... tank gear has more hp than willpower, so you dont have to choose between hp and defense. if you get a defense item, it will most often have a boosted hp value too.

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the fact that you posted this is exactly what i was saying to you. it's not your math that's wrong, its your attitude on the matter as a whole. you're getting very worked up about a very simple point... tank gear has more hp than willpower, so you dont have to choose between hp and defense. if you get a defense item, it will most often have a boosted hp value too.


Except that you are fully capable of tweaking the given gear such that you can *change* those ratios and the developers have stated that the current state wherein there *isn't* much customization within gear as the system allows for is not going to be around for much longer. Also, if you didn't know, all of the relevant mods, enhancements, and armoring mods do exist in game. If you check the mods in the different pieces of gear, you would actually see this.

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