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Question: Server balance and population “maturity”?


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Hi all,


I’m just another guy waiting for early access to begin, I and some friends are discussing what faction we should roll, and I’m wondering if any of you can share your own impressions of the current situation. We are most likely rolling on a PvP server, and me myself are mostly drawn to PvP in all games.


The things I’m wondering about are as follows:

• Is there a clear and noticeable in-balance between the factions, and who’s in the lead?

• Is there any noticeable difference in the type of players and resulting “culture” that each faction draws for itself?

• What is your personal recommendation for faction choice if story, esthetics, light/dark-side and such aspects all are secondary to a great PvP experience with balanced population, mature competition, and minimal downtime?


Simply, if PvP “fun” goes before RPG preferences, where should we go?


If you search the net or look at forums and http://swtorprogress.com, I get the impression that Empire are in majority, and I personally feel that being on the minority side is usually better, especially when it comes to queued PvP instances. Open-world PvP seems to be, in most games, the most fun if essentially balanced, more fun for the underdog if the in-balance is small, and not fun for anyone but less frustrating for the majority side if the imbalance is significant. But does this hold true for SWTOR?


Also, I have never been a WoW player, EVE-Online, Guild Wars and Warhammer Online where my games. But if we take WoW as an example, my impressions from vanilla-WoW friends where that their where a tangible and really noticeable difference in what kind of players each faction got. Horde seemed to be (or so if heard from friends, read on forums, and glimpsed in articles) the side with a higher age average (which doesn’t secure but heightens the odds for more “maturity”) and also the side with a more developed PvP community and PvP culture. Are any such similarities visible this early in SWTOR, and how are they then playing out?


Disclaimer: Don’t take my WoW parallel as a point for discussion or provocation, I just used a reference to my impression of WoW as a bystander to get my point across that I’m interested and curious about any perceived differences between Empire and Republic when it comes to the drawn playerbase in SWTOR :) So please avoid any WoW vs. SWTOR flamewars.


And I know my English is bad, sorry, it’s not my first language, and all trolls, please leave me be, I’m a friendly guy looking for some information!


Thanks all!

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I'm personally getting the vibe that SWTOR is for the most part going to be 60% Empire 40% Republic on average. Once some of the statistical sites get more sophisticated you'll be able to pick out which server you want based on the population difference and what environment you're looking for. In the meantime I wouldn't put any sort of bias toward either side since its just starting so go with what you want and what your friends are playing.


As far as maturity goes its gonna be a toss up for a while and will be highly dependent on who you ask. The WoW example you brought up is a good way to show this. I know that general info and research seems to point to the Horde (rebellious side) having a higher maturity and dedication base than the Alliance (lawful side), but I can tell you from personal experience that both sides have an equal share of good/bad/dumb/smart/dedicated/flakey/immature/wise/trolling/griefer/helpful people amongst them. Played both sides for about 3 years each and would personally say that I never found myself saying "this side has a lot more mature people on it" or "there's so many more awsome PvP/PvE people in this faction".


The only difference was the population, and with that you end up with the real choice. Do you want to be on the higher population side, where theres more people doing a wider variety of activities and experiencing a slightly more active GTN (auction house)? Or do you want to be on the lower population side, where you get to know those on your server a bit better and you're always trying to prove the point of "hey, just because there's more of you doesn't mean you're better"? As a side note, if PvP is your big thing then queue times are usually better on the low pop side too since there's fewer people trying to fill the BG's compared to the high pop side. If you want another way to look at it try thinking of the situation in terms of a big city versus a little city. I found that the comparison is pretty spot on.


Bottom line after all that wall of text is that as long as you're playing with friends you'll find a way to be happy in the game no matter what those around you are doing.

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Thanks for your answer Wolfdream (you got that from WoT btw?). I guess you are right on every point, and that the only real choice that might be possible to make right now is that of high vs. low pop faction. And that is if the trend holds :)


Btw, must complement you on a really god answer, why can't all forum reply be of that quality!

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