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Is there more to end game then PvP?


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I am taking my time and enjoying the storyline. My highest level character is 17 right now as I am not a Zerger or Power Leveler. I have put a great deal of time into crafting and am now at the point where I can craft so far above my level (Level 30ish crap) that it is pointless to continue since I cant obtain the ingredients anyplace but the GTN.


That having been said, I hate PvP. I won't get into the discussion of why... but suffice it to say I want little to no part of it. Based on everythng I am reading on the forums, it seems that level 50 is all about the PvP. Is this true? Are there quests/missions at 50 that can be run repeatedly and still be enjoyed.


I still got 45 more days of play time to decide if I like the game or not, but don't want to get addicted to it, only to find out that I will hate end game.


Please let me know... Thanks

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