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So I just tried pvp on a level 16 merc...


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So i convinced my girlfriend to play swtor and suggested she try a bh merc becuase i heard they were easy and she is not a gamer.


So last night i decide to hop on her level 16 merc and que up a wz and i still can not believe it. How could the devs make things so unbalanced. Not only did i easilly rack up over 250k damage and not die i easilly soled high level people including a 49 sentinal .


Damage aside ther toolbox is just amazing

Aoe knockback with built in snare.

4 second stun.

Heavy armor.


30m range

Huge dps and crits

Insane aoe. Dfa anyone?

Damage reducing cooldowns


All this at level 16. How is this balence?

And please dont give me the "sentinals take skill" bs. Yeah sents take skill not to be a total pos . I am damn good and effective my sent but when i take that skill level to a better designed class i am unstopable and that is my problem.

Edited by BlazeMazeRaze
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A Sentinel with half of a brain can completely neuter a Mercenary. I generally come away from fights with Mercs at about 90% health. They're the easiest class in the game to shut down... period. The only way you are useful is if people ignore you. Edited by Toppins
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