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Mercenary Healing - Alacrity verse other stats


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I have a question for more experienced mercenary healers.


Most gear I'm getting through pvp at the moment is high on the Alacrity. I was wondering if this stat is actually throttled for us due to the way our heat mechanic works - less long cast times = more casts = more heat.


Do you think it might be worth getting geared for thinks like Surge, Crit and Power over Alacrity due to this?

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I rarely have heat problems, and I have a large amount of alacrity gear. We have three ways to reduce heat, and there are very few times when I cannot use one of those three skills. while I want to start swapping spots out for crit/surge/power, alacrity doesn't have diminishing returns as fast as the others. Power, to my knowledge, has no diminishing return. I think a nice mix of alacrity, then crit, and then surge is what we may work for.


Of course, we should wait for a mathematician to let us know how to optimize our spec in terms of HPS with those high end mods.


However, pvp healing can be very mobile, and we are not that mobile with our heals. While frustrating, it does provide excitement.

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Yes, you generally want to prioritize crit and surge over power and alacrity.

Alacrity is a good stat for pvp, but sadly the way our heals work is that if we don't crit, they heal for laughable amounts.


Thats because you prioritize surge and crit over power, Your heals would heal significantly better with more focus on power, after getting crit to a reasonable level.


People undervalue power as a stat imo, because power impacts your base abilities before crit & surge are applied, so more power is a very good choice imo. balance is better then focusing on one aspect especially once you start hitting diminishing returns. in the soft cap area.

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Thats because you prioritize surge and crit over power, Your heals would heal significantly better with more focus on power, after getting crit to a reasonable level.


People undervalue power as a stat imo, because power impacts your base abilities before crit & surge are applied, so more power is a very good choice imo. balance is better then focusing on one aspect especially once you start hitting diminishing returns. in the soft cap area.


I started with this theory, but as I got more power gear/mods, I was not healing as much as my OP friend who was stacking crit/surge. Without a lot of crit/surge, rapid scan heals for ~25-2800 on average is what I noticed. When I dropped a lot of my power for crit/surge, I noticed healing was significantly easier in large damage fights in that I need to cast less heals to heal an ops group.


I dont know my stats right now, but fully buffed I have around 500 bonus healing, 41% crit, 77% surge. I will probably try gearing for power again once I get more pieces to play around with, especially since the DR of crit seems to hit hard in the high 30% (seems kind of a waste to have so much crit).


Power is a pretty underated stat for healers, from the ones I've talked to, but it does scale pretty well (better than aim). The only problem is, power doesnt really become valid to me until you have a high crit/surge. Crit and surge are simply much more noticeable in the early phases of gearing (~tionese) and seems to be a little more forgiving in terms of getting behind in healing.

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Thats because you prioritize surge and crit over power, Your heals would heal significantly better with more focus on power, after getting crit to a reasonable level.


People undervalue power as a stat imo, because power impacts your base abilities before crit & surge are applied, so more power is a very good choice imo. balance is better then focusing on one aspect especially once you start hitting diminishing returns. in the soft cap area.


early on I asked if power added to damage before or after crit and the answers from 100% of the people were either "i dont know" OR "it is applied last after crit"


... crit/surge>power until you hit some distance past soft cap, then power rules.


funny thing about power, it says there are different multipliers depending on the strength of the attack but there is no way without a combat log to tell if the multiplier is 1.2x or 3x ... with this unknown value it is impossible to mathematically calculate which is better.


BUT... if the multiplier is <2 on power then it is mathmatically possible to show crit/surge is better until soft cap hits.

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Or you could just check your tooltip after a power boost like adrenal or relic use, and calculate the relative power multipliers.


The tooltips show real time values for the abilities nowadays. So any power change shows up on it. The value of power looks to be normalized into giving a same % increase to abilities atleast for healing scan and rapid scan, for example using my +power adrenal both gain about 10.6% extra on the max healed amount. The static + is different for both, the relative is the same.


So far in this game it seems math has been king on balance development. On which I congratulate Bioware. Finally someone has math geeks on their balance dev teams...

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early on I asked if power added to damage before or after crit and the answers from 100% of the people were either "i dont know" OR "it is applied last after crit"


... crit/surge>power until you hit some distance past soft cap, then power rules.


funny thing about power, it says there are different multipliers depending on the strength of the attack but there is no way without a combat log to tell if the multiplier is 1.2x or 3x ... with this unknown value it is impossible to mathematically calculate which is better.


BUT... if the multiplier is <2 on power then it is mathmatically possible to show crit/surge is better until soft cap hits.


Each heal has a different coefficient and benefits more/less from healing power, here are the coefficients for our heals:


Healing Scan: 1.94

Rapid Shots: 1

Rapid Scan: 2.72

Emergency Scan: 2.28

Kolto Missile: 1.08

Kolto Shell: 0.481


That will let you work out the bonus healing power to different abilities.

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I effectively have 2 sets of orange and purple gear with full purple mods (I know I need a life) and my own experience I prefer the Crit -Surge over my Power – Surge – Alac gear. Self buffed and my Crit - Surge gear I run around at 42% tech crit (as apposed to around 27% tech with power gear) and 93% surge.


With full party buffs I can consistently guarantee half my heals will heal for double the listed value, which means I can spend more time DPSing in hard modes (love rage timers). On several end bosses I can DPS over 1/3 of the fight if I get a series of crit heals in a row (which happens a lot)



I’m sure there is all sorts of math to prove either way, I am just stating how it feels to me and what I see. I guess it comes down to personal preference and what makes you a comfortable healer in a crazy setting.

Edited by Brakner
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