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I feel like...


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A lot of our skills shouldn't be on GCD. its just taking too long to ramp up rage and then dish it out.


i won't go into which ones exactly feel kinda clunky because...to be honest im not really sure. i feel like battery assault could be taken off gcd due to what it does and the lack of damage it does as well but thats just an opinion.


to what should be taken off gcd in general i would say:

-defensive cd's - these all should be activated during 'clutch' situations w/o gcd.


-rage building cd's - well...just the 1. if b.a. did 2x the dmg then i would consider it fitting for a gcd. again, opinion.


-debuff/buff/slow cd's. as a warrior in wow i loved spam(ham)string. i never felt like i completely ruined a rotation because of it. however...crippling slash feels like it never really "fits" with my (PVP) rotation. in most cases...im usually so tight on my rage that 1 rage + 1 gcd could (highly) likely ruin my small window of damage.

- gore/deadly saber/howl/ect - these should be off of gcd as clip into the next animation. i mean for gore alone...we're kinda wasting time with the GCD for such a short buff. ds i know to use during charge but at the times that i dont...sigh on rupture. several other "utility" skills i dont feel like looking up.


i won't continue further...i just feel like its taking far too long to ramp up to our dmg output.


also...anyone else feel like we should get an innate "x rage per x seconds during combat" ? 1 skill for rage is ...meh. and fury should be halfed or short fuse 1st / 2nd tier talent.


OPINIONS...lets go. keep it constructive this is not a QQ thread this is just things i've felt since playing mara ONLY since early release.

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