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Question about Jaesa Willsaam (Possible Spoilers)


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Hello everyone, I don't get on the forums much but I need some info!


I'm a light side Sith Warrior looking to romance dark side Jaesa Willsaam, I know you can get her as dark side while you're light side, but can you romance her?


Also, if anyone knows, what are the specific steps needed to recruit her as Dark Side?



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Hello everyone, I don't get on the forums much but I need some info!


I'm a light side Sith Warrior looking to romance dark side Jaesa Willsaam, I know you can get her as dark side while you're light side, but can you romance her?


Also, if anyone knows, what are the specific steps needed to recruit her as Dark Side?




Yes, though it will be difficult as you will need to talk Darkside to her and make up the points else where. Your also prorobly don't wan to take her out with you or you'll loose points like mad. Keep her on the ship and gift her affection.


As for getting Darkside Jaesa that simple, just be Darkside when you are dealing with her, kill her family, kill her master and any other Darkside choice that shows up on Alderran and specifically relates to her.


Also avoid the "we can change the Empire form within" speech, this is lightside Jaesa's goal. Darkside Jaesa is fine with the Empire the way it is, so don't pick options about "change".


You are going to have to accept a fair amount of DS points to get and romance her, but you can always run some FP's to counter it.

Edited by AngelousWang
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I don't think it actually matters what you do in the progress of getting her.. I'm pretty sure it looks at your alignment.


I'm neutral, and did most light side choices getting her, and she literally asked me "Hey, what path should I follow?" when I was about to obtain her. So I really doubt it has anything to do with the choices you make, and focuses on what alignment you are.

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