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1 parsec is 3.26 light years, which roughly equals 30 trillion kilometers.

We can assume that distance between a planet and it's moons varies from 200k to 2M kilometers - and this is only true for big ones, with potent enough gravity field.

How is it possible that Nar Shaddaa is 687 parsecs from Hutta it is supposed to be orbiting?


Needs a fix, really.

Edited by Xezee
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1 parsec is 3.26 light years, which roughly equals 30 trillion kilometers.

We can assume that distance between a planet and it's moons varies from 200k to 2M kilometers - and this is only true for big ones, with potent enough gravity field.

How is it possible that Nar Shaddaa is 687 parsecs from Hutta it is supposed to be orbiting?


Needs a fix, really.


Nar Shaddaa orbits Nal Hutta, which may or may not be Hutta.


The Hutts have bought dozens of worlds and renamed them "Hutta" as they use up and dispose of the old one.

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Hutta, the BH and IA starting world, is specifically Nal Hutta, formerly Evocar, and Nar Shaddaa is its moon. If you are on Hutta, Nar Shaddaa is clearly visible - and quite large - in the sky.


NPCs talk about shuttling to and from Nar Shaddaa all the time, that it isn't nearly far enough to run away if you want to hide, and so on. The two are plainly quite close, in the same star system.


Plainly, the parsec distance reference from Nar Shaddaa to its primary is an error by a writer who slipped up in understanding how vast a distance a parsec actually is.

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1 parsec is 3.26 light years, which roughly equals 30 trillion kilometers.

We can assume that distance between a planet and it's moons varies from 200k to 2M kilometers - and this is only true for big ones, with potent enough gravity field.

How is it possible that Nar Shaddaa is 687 parsecs from Hutta it is supposed to be orbiting?


Needs a fix, really.


I'm willing to be most people don't know how long a parsec is, and the probably care even less. Hell, I never even look at the distance from where I am to where I want to go.

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