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Those calling "worst launch ever", probably never played any other mmo`s at launch


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Launch has been smooth actually. I have yet experienced a single server crash or lag.


Only because you entered your pre-order code early. If you did not... this has NOT been smooth.


the Problem that I see with this launch is no major MMO launch has ever used such a weird system. Name one MMO that has had a launch where it limits you on when you can enter. I bought a CE months ago - but because i did not enter a pre-order key I dont even get 5 days of early access?


Even Warhammer Online had 5 days of early access... and you were granted 5 days even if you enter the pre-order code the day of Early Access. There was NO INDICATION this game would be different then there was a website post (in December) that addressed this. Imagine that... December people who decided to either wait (like me) or buy at the last minute are the ones being penalized.


The worse part about this - is why was this such a secret. If I would have known my early access was dependent upon entering a pre-order code I would have done so in July. So, why did I get penalized for buying a game in July but not entering the pre-order code until December?

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IMO there's really no difference between a launch where 50% of players have a bad experience because of server crashes, long queue times, etc, and a staggered launch where 50% of players simply aren't invited yet.


Seriously, what's the difference? Both methods piss off just as many people. You could argue the poorly coded launch is actually better because at least people get to play some in between their client/server issues.


at least in the crashing and queueing method the 50% that had a bad experience is completely random. and also in that method your experience can change from day to day.


in this method the 50% with a bad experience keep having a bad experience for 3 days straight with possibility to change.

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I've played AO, Ac2, CoH, CoV, DaoC, DDO, EvE, EQ1, EQ2, GW1, UO, WoW, Rift, Shadowbane, Horizons.


Out of all of the launches I've seen and been in, this ones gone better then any of them. Rifts was "Smoothish".


I really miss Shadowbane though :(.


You had issues with Rift?


I won't comment on launch day, as we are not technically there yet, but as of the 13th (when I started playing this little pre-launch) it is not as good a launch as Rift.


While all the systems are there (unlike Warhammer was : / ), and work, and I am certainly having fun, I personally would not say this game is a polished at Rift was at launch.


I don't recall any obvious graphical errors in Rift, whereas they still abound in this game. Things still die and stand there, NPC still stand in their generic "as modelled" stances, resource nodes show on the mini-map and in the game ebvironment, but can't be clicked, key NPC are sometimes 8 inches tall (lol... happened to me on my Jedi Knight in a cut scene), objects appears and disappear from hands, textures change on companions sometimes, there are still occasional sound issues where NPCs hold conversations from miles away, UI elements such as sorting and filtering options don't work on vendors or in the AH.... and I am sure I could go on, but I AM having a blast with the game right now, and overall there are no real game breakers for me.


So I am going to go play now.


On a side note... NPCs in any given area are clones of other NPCs in the same area... it is rather creepy.


On a another side note, Warhammers mail system still makes me cringe, and after trying SW:Tor Auction House.... well it certainly needs improvement.... at least Rift had that right.

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The release of Pong was pretty hectic too, they didn't mention in the stores that having a TV was required to play! Oh my, did people get pissed off. Forums didnt exist back then so we QQ'd with messages in bottles, letters, arrows with a message attached.


Fun times were had and many lulz too (back then it was called hahaha's)

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The OP is an outright fanboy with his own version of history. I've been in every launch you posted and then some. Some were worse, some were much smoother. None have ever had to have a phased launch taking days in the guise of "early access" and still had hour long queues. And make no mistake this game has already launched. The have paying customers on the live servers playing permanent characters.


The fact of the matter is they sold more preorders then they have the infrastructure to support, which is really inexcusable considering they knew exactly how many preorders they had and how many retail copies they shipped. Forget the early access spin. Pretend all the preorders and store copies tried to log on the 20th as advertised, clearly nobody would be able to get in. It's blatantly obvious they are not prepared to deal with the volume they sold, they really stand out as a company making their first MMO.

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List me a game that had a launch where half their player base couldn't play for 2 days?


List me a game that let over a million people play in the first 12 hours? didn't think so.


this is the largest launch of an online game ever.


i think they did well, however i think they could of given a rough estimate of when people would get in, i know they did it for last nights waves but it should of been done from the start.

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