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Sent issues my take


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Its been talked about over and over this is a bloody hard class to play well, but the top 10% or so do amazingly well.


Here is my issue I'm OK with it being changeling to play, I'm even OK with the 14+ button rotation, what is irritating me is the HUGE gap between the top 10% and the rest of the players. they should do better, no argument there, but where I do have an issue is they are doing 2x to 3x better. Congrats and all but if only a very small % of the players can actually play this class as a DPS class then and all of its trees are DPS trees then just maybe its a little broken.


I'm not saying make it a spam one button class but at least make it to where half the players playing it can get closer to the 10%ers. There should not be such a huge gap between a good player (lets say top 50%) in a class and the best players (top 10%) and 2x - 3x is a very big gaping gap.

Edited by Ovarf
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IMO, we have too many abilities. I'd like to see them consolidated and made a bit more powerful.


Right now, I have more combat related activities than I can fit in the 24 slots in the main toolbar. That's too many things to have to deal with, period.


Fix that and give me a CC break that gives me a few seconds of immunity and I'd be pretty happy.


I'd also like to see some of the stuns in the game replaced with mez's. That's not really a sent specific problem, but it effects us a lot.

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More than tconsolidating abilities, we need a freaking 3rd hotkey bar bottom of the screen. Sometimes I can't keep track of the cooldown on the sides because I'm watching center of screen and bottom with the most important abilities.


In fact, simply put, this game needs a real functional UI and not this piece of crap we've been dealing with for weeks.


This class is going to be N°1 in nerf threads once UI is rock solid and no stutter/delay on skills.

Edited by RamzaBehoulve
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Its been talked about over and over this is a bloody hard class to play well, but the top 10% or so do amazingly well.


Here is my issue I'm OK with it being changeling to play, I'm even OK with the 14+ button rotation, what is irritating me is the HUGE gap between the top 10% and the rest of the players. they should do better, no argument there, but where I do have an issue is they are doing 2x to 3x better. Congrats and all but if only a very small % of the players can actually play this class as a DPS class then and all of its trees are DPS trees then just maybe its a little broken.


I'm not saying make it a spam one button class but at least make it to where half the players playing it can get closer to the 10%ers. There should not be such a huge gap between a good player (lets say top 50%) in a class and the best players (top 10%) and 2x - 3x is a very big gaping gap.


As lond as they dont nerf the class for the top 10% and if it stops all this "Sentinels are underpowered" crap on the forums lets go.

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