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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Bioware addressing issues game looks promising


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There is still some ability lag on my maurader and at times the responsiveness isn't there but I can tell that they have made some tweaks to it since launch and things seems much smoother. Not quite polished yet but much better by far. I think Bioware is serious about getting this thing running as smooth as possible and eventually pvp will be unrivaled by anyone else in the market.


I was initially hesitant thinking maybe they lacked concern or ability to address these issues but with the recent subtle changes I think we can put to bed the QQ that they don't care. Looking forward to what they have planned and really glad I stayed patient.

Edited by Irishbrewed
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I was playing DCUO before SWTOR and the level of professionalism and commitment to the community is just amazing compared to what im used to!


Things are getting fixed and addressed, Still not happy about the op/scoundrel knee jerking nerf, but hey if its gotta happen... its gotta happen

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I was playing DCUO before SWTOR and the level of professionalism and commitment to the community is just amazing compared to what im used to!


Things are getting fixed and addressed, Still not happy about the op/scoundrel knee jerking nerf, but hey if its gotta happen... its gotta happen


That was my main concern, how would they tackle issues, and I am glad they are taking this thing serious and really seemed to have plans to make this thing work for the long haul not just a drop in the quarterly bucket... They still have more to do but if they keep up this trend I think we don't have anything to worry about.

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There is still some ability lag on my maurader and at times the responsiveness isn't there but I can tell that they have made some tweaks to it since launch and things seems much smoother. Not quite polished yet but much better by far. I think Bioware is serious about getting this thing running as smooth as possible and eventually pvp will be unrivaled by anyone else in the market.


I was initially hesitant thinking maybe they lacked concern or ability to address these issues but with the recent subtle changes I think we can put to bed the QQ that they don't care. Looking forward to what they have planned and really glad I stayed patient.


The problem is not Bioware really, its the community. Lots of immature people around that never got taught the trait of patience. If bioware does not personally reply to each thread they create, no matter how insulting there thread is or how many different copies a day of that thread sprout, they get pissed off.


Customer Service is not here to deal with your problems regarding an item not dropping, or you buying the wrong item etc. Customer support is here to handle the real issues. Like stuck characters and so on. People need to realize that.


Bioware developers and there community representatives have other things to do that reply to threads. For example trying to find solutions to the problems people are reporting. Which takes time to find and create. Like i said, it all just takes patience.

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Things are getting fixed and addressed, Still not happy about the op/scoundrel knee jerking nerf, but hey if its gotta happen... its gotta happen


That's the downside of pleasing the community. The players are not designers and changing the game basing on player QQ without careful analysis will end up with a broken game.


Smuggler/Agent are the least played class because they're the most broken, so you'd think that the dev will try to buff them to make them more attractive. Nope, the only change they're getting have been nerf nerf nerf nerf. Why? because no one plays them so no QQ to buff them, only QQ for terrible players who gets killed by them. Terrible players so used to being OP that when they get killed, they think it's because of imbalance. Thus you get tons of QQ to nerf the least played class in PvP.

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That's the downside of pleasing the community. The players are not designers and changing the game basing on player QQ without careful analysis will end up with a broken game.


Smuggler/Agent are the least played class because they're the most broken, so you'd think that the dev will try to buff them to make them more attractive. Nope, the only change they're getting have been nerf nerf nerf nerf. Why? because no one plays them so no QQ to buff them, only QQ for terrible players who gets killed by them. Terrible players so used to being OP that when they get killed, they think it's because of imbalance. Thus you get tons of QQ to nerf the least played class in PvP.


Thats the crappy community thinking. Have you ever stopped to think that bioware sees this differently? That what they base there buffs and nerfs on is actuall numbers generated and stored for them?


If you honestly believe they listen to the community's constant crying that they think Skill X is OP, then you are just being naive.

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The problem is not Bioware really, its the community. Lots of immature people around that never got taught the trait of patience. If bioware does not personally reply to each thread they create, no matter how insulting there thread is or how many different copies a day of that thread sprout, they get pissed off.


Customer Service is not here to deal with your problems regarding an item not dropping, or you buying the wrong item etc. Customer support is here to handle the real issues. Like stuck characters and so on. People need to realize that.


Bioware developers and there community representatives have other things to do that reply to threads. For example trying to find solutions to the problems people are reporting. Which takes time to find and create. Like i said, it all just takes patience.


I think the Internet in general is like this not exclusive to just this forum. I agree with you that patience is something a lot of people need. But I think in this day and age it's lost on a lot of people. Seems like a lot of ppl want instant gratification and can't see the forest because of the trees. I see this same thing in several forums no matter the subject matter. I think the majority of players have been patient with bioware and it will pay off if they continue to stay on top of the game like they have been.


That being said I am not saying I think there going to be able to address everyone's little issues, but as far as the big stuff, lke responsiveness and how the game runs I am certain they will polish it to the best of their ability. I'm just happy there is some initiative on their part, it's really nice to be rewarded for your patience.

Edited by Irishbrewed
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