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Level 50 Gunslingers/Snipers in WZ.


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See this is what i don't get. In the two slingers specs I use Dirty Fighting and the one with the charges I have insane mobility and barely use cover at all.


As Df its Dot/dot channel and keep moving. The other spec is pretty much the same except you need to wait for your timed burst.


Why people play MM for pvp i do not know...especially considering its the only spec that is heavily mitagated by armor.


I guess people will just keep saying Slingers/Snipers are highly immoble because of their cover, when i might use it for a knockback once a round or to avoid getting charged.

Edited by Mcfree
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Gunsliger have 3 tree. All of them are for damage.


But there are a lot more possibilities when it comes to builds. Some of them provide high mobility or more shields etc..


And we definitely have different possibilities to become useful for our team in different ways.


I 've found the GS to provide much more utility than I expected at first.

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The sniper class is very much the "glass cannon" and it takes much more talent to play them compared to others classes. but we also have the damage potential that other classes couldnt dream of.


The cover mechanic was very buggy at first but i dont have very many problems anymore. The story line is amazing but has serveral huge bugs (The Dominator).


Most ungeared 50 have a hard time achiving the 5k dmg award but as a mostly ungeared 50 i was able to get it at least 1/3 of the times i crit. If the person wasnt able to LOS.


Now being geared it is much easier...


Not the most fun class in pvp. the class also is harder to level with than many other classes because the sniper has a seroius shortage of CC that last longer than about 3-8 seconds. (slice droid is 1 minute but only works on droids...duh...and heals the droid as well...***). Most other classes have a cc that lasts 1 minute and doesnt heal it opponent.


Big deal guys..... If you cant deal with it dont play the class.... every class has pros and cons dont cry about it when it doesnt work well for you.

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Cover sucks, i see a gunslinger/sniper in cover i just run out off his range, then all those fancy things he got is no good now, are they?


100% correct. I run a 50 snipe in full champ gear, and the above happens to me continuously. Or, teleport to me and sit behind my barrier while dealing 2X's as much damage as I can put out.

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The sniper class is very much the "glass cannon" and it takes much more talent to play them compared to others classes. but we also have the damage potential that other classes couldnt dream of.


The cover mechanic was very buggy at first but i dont have very many problems anymore. The story line is amazing but has serveral huge bugs (The Dominator).


Most ungeared 50 have a hard time achiving the 5k dmg award but as a mostly ungeared 50 i was able to get it at least 1/3 of the times i crit. If the person wasnt able to LOS.


Now being geared it is much easier...


Not the most fun class in pvp. the class also is harder to level with than many other classes because the sniper has a seroius shortage of CC that last longer than about 3-8 seconds. (slice droid is 1 minute but only works on droids...duh...and heals the droid as well...***). Most other classes have a cc that lasts 1 minute and doesnt heal it opponent.


Big deal guys..... If you cant deal with it dont play the class.... every class has pros and cons dont cry about it when it doesnt work well for you.


The problem leveling a sniper is we don't get a healer. I love corspo. That meatbag could hold aggro. The bottomline is that you need a healer not a tank. My Gus and I are best friends. Why? He heals. CC's and I have a droid CC. Meaning we can handle mobs solo.


I like two man groups of 2 irl dps along with 2 dps companions with corpso pulling aggro.


Very nice way to shred mobs.

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These abilities (gunslinger names) should not require cover to use:


Sabotage charge, speed shot, aimed shot, charged burst, pulse detonate.


Honestly if you can't fix the system, just make it so that I don't have to constantly go into and out of it in every single engagement. I'm ok giving up scrambling field, interrupt immunity, inability to be charged, etc in a PVP fight where none of those things will likely come into play and going into cover just opens me up to all sorts of frustrating bugs.

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I played WoW pvp at a relatively high level, around 2500s in 3's and am an avid pvper... I'm just getting into SWTOR and I'm level 35 and owning it up in battlegrounds, until I read this forum I was under the impression we were overpowered... I probably have a consistent 5-1 K/D Just playing conservatively (Area camping and playing smart) It is true we can die fast but the damage can be quite insane... I guess I'm not 50 yet - so we'll see how that goes. Edited by Andrewbee
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