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Sentinel Thoughts and Suggestions


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Hello, First I would like to start off by saying I am a level 42 Jedi Sentinel that has done a lot of experimenting in various specs for the class. It seems that as of right now Sentinels are suffering greatly for being a pure damage class. Each spec doesn't really seem to put out as much damage as it should compared to other classes at the same level. Which brings me to my next point.


Player vs Player Combat


Now when I bought this game I did quite a bit of research on the classes and advanced classes to find something that would fit my usual MMO play style. So when I saw Jedi sentinel I automatically knew that was the one. Now as a Jedi Sentinel you are kinda expecting to be this force of destruction on the battlefield, At lower levels I just assumed that the reason I wasn't doing to great is because I really didn't know my class to well quite yet and I didn't have any of the great spells a sentinel needs for PvP combat but now being 42 I have realized that it is the class in general that is severely under powered in comparison to other classes. For instance you're a class with 1 CC breaker ability with no Stuns, Knockdowns, Knockbacks, Force Pulls or Push, the closest thing we have to a stun is Force Stasis which has to be channeled and even then doesn't do to much damage so I wouldn't even classify that as a stun.


Now when you look at other classes you see each of them having 1-2 stuns a knockback ability with a pull/push ability giving them 4-5 CC effects.. Now as a class with 1 jump ability and 2 if you spec into it that can have countered instantly leaves you as a punching bag. I have played all 3 specs and have gotten the same result each time.. As in example earlier today in a warzone I saw this Sith Sorc at 20% HP and no bubble up, Myself being at 80% HP thought that I can easily take him as a sentinel. I jumped in and he right away used his knock back ability which turned into a stun then just dropped 3-4 attacks into me before I died. Going up against a sniper class behind his cover, I can't leap to him so I start running over and hes just shooting me he gets 3 attacks in and I drop before I can even get half way to him.


Now one last thing before I bring this to a complete close.. The level 50 Sentinel pvp set. The gear doesn't really fit what the sentinel is. The gear in my opinion and I know a lot of others looks very bad compared to some of the other sets we have seen. I myself would like to request a reskin of the gear as it would be MUCH appreciated by the sentinel community.


That all being said I think it's time to let some of the other sentinel community voice their opinions alongside mine. I think I have laid enough points down here to get the ball rolling and hopefully some changes can be made to improve the class that I enjoy playing the most in this game and would like to continue playing.

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As in example earlier today in a warzone I saw this Sith Sorc at 20% HP and no bubble up, Myself being at 80% HP thought that I can easily take him as a sentinel. I jumped in and he right away used his knock back ability which turned into a stun then just dropped 3-4 attacks into me before I died. Going up against a sniper class behind his cover, I can't leap to him so I start running over and hes just shooting me he gets 3 attacks in and I drop before I can even get half way to him..


Oh wow, you sure need to do a lot of learning to play this class... What spec are you playing ?


I made a complete opposite thread of this - http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=246848


We have 2 anti-sniper skills and you still can't manage to kill him ? You can decrease his accuracy by 90% and then increase your defense by 50%. His all shots will be parried. Snipers are one of the easiest classes to kill.


And I never had trouble with sorcs.


Sentinels are hard class to play, you can't use same trick against every class. You need to use different tactics on each opponent and depending on situation.


I use 29 Key Binding on my Marauder to preform well. I think that says enough..

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What do you mean you can't do anything ? If the fact that you can't charge means you can't do anything, I have bad news for you.


You just hit him in the face while he can't hit you.

Edited by yokubou
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