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Please allow a Re customization option!!!


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I know its early on, however I created a marauder. I did not realize that most of the armor would look just plain silly on a body type 2.


At this point, I am almost 45, and it seems like a waste to just re roll, but at the same time, looking at my char in a cape makes me look like a sidekick.


I would pay for this option.


Everything about my toon is fine except the body type. Is there anything that can be done, or any plans in the making?

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I hope they implement this along with the legacy content, it's rather idiotic to force people to start over if they want to play a newly unlocked race/class combination.


BioWare, do look into an ingame character customization npc soon, it's another credit sink for sure (because you really can't charge this as RMT right now with people raging about things all the time).


This is a must by the time legacy content is rolled out, definitely figure it out soon.


And don't say it can't be done or it'll screw up the story, blah blah blah...

There's only "human" and "alien" in terms of story/dialogue choices and when the player is mentioned as either, so not difficult to change if the race is altered.


If obi-wan can get a make over in seconds (the clone wars, season 4, episode 15, Deception) we can get one done too. Cosmetic surgery can't be that hard in a galaxy full of interstellar starships and planetary weapons...

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